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Peter Franks

macrumors 68020
Original poster
Jun 9, 2011
Not encountered this one before, but on a search I see it's common. Only backed up a few weeks ago so usually only see that for a few minutes when backing up, so I know it's not right. Have tried all searches of web hacks like deleting the 'in progress' file, and letting spotlight reindex with restart, and then tried the excluding from spotlight etc., but nothing seems to work. Any known problems with Sierra and this, as I've not had this before with any previous OS. And the last time I did it, I was on Sierra and it seemed to work fine. There have been no major changes to the MBP since the last back up so wondered if anyone can help before I deleted the whole HD, which is what I had to do when changed to Sierra and it takes forever. Thanks

Peter Franks

macrumors 68020
Original poster
Jun 9, 2011
Yeh I do use CCC, but paranoia and previous experience just tells me to have more than one back-up.
And I particularly want to get this right before I move Sierra to High Sierra. Just in case. I did a CCC but it wasn't completely right with some folders and start-up. When I used to back Snow Leopard up with CCC it was a smooth delight though. It didn't have a recovery option though so maybe this was a bit more involved. Plus Sierra has been glitchy for me all over the place, and only want to try High Sierra to see if it rectifies those glitches.
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