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macrumors 6502a
Original poster
Dec 28, 2008
An hour-long video, exclusive to the iPad edition!

Talk about convenient cross marketing!
$4.99 an issue? Isn't a year of TIME going for that amount?

Ah, what the hell, I bought it anyway. I enjoy hearing Jobs talk about Apple, he makes me feel good...:)
I hope it's not $4.99 per issue. A year's subscription for 56 (paper) issues costs...$20.
I didn't see the video anywhere in there.

The app itself is REALLY nice, but I'm not paying that much for any magazine again. I bought it just to test it out and was really surprised by how nice it was, but they need to lower the price considerably.
I can't wait to see how Zinio works with the ipad. I actually use it on the iphone. Magazine subscriptions are a lot less there. I can't wait to see how Zinio works with the ipad. I actually use it on the iphone. Magazine subscriptions are a lot less there. The trick is to find a magazine you like, in your language. I get National Geo there and a few others. I have a bad habit of saving magazines and this keeps me from doing that and wasting space on my shelves.
Yeah, I should've researched more before buying the app.. but it seemed logical and I thought maybe that was the reason for the $5 pricetag. I guess not, what a bummer.
The interview itself lasted an hour.

Where did you find that there's a video of it in the iPad app?
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