I've been looking for a time-tracking application, but haven't yet found one that isn't either too simple or too complicated. I know _exactly_ what I'd like to find, though:
Something that will allow me to create multiple projects, with a small window and a simple interface, maybe something looking like the old Application Switcher. I'd like to be able to assign hour values to each project, on a daily, weekly, or monthly basis (preferably all three). Then, when I'm using it, I'd just click on the project I'm working on, and it would start counting down the timer for that project. If I stop and go back later to it later, it would keep track of where the timer was last, so I can keep track of total time spent during the week (or day or month) rather than just per session.
I'd don't need any sort of billing functions, though I won't object to them as long as they can be tucked neatly away where I don't have to look at them. It is essential, though, that the app be small and fairly simple -- I won't bother to use it if it's too big and clunky.
Does anyone know of an application or widget that would fit the bill?
Something that will allow me to create multiple projects, with a small window and a simple interface, maybe something looking like the old Application Switcher. I'd like to be able to assign hour values to each project, on a daily, weekly, or monthly basis (preferably all three). Then, when I'm using it, I'd just click on the project I'm working on, and it would start counting down the timer for that project. If I stop and go back later to it later, it would keep track of where the timer was last, so I can keep track of total time spent during the week (or day or month) rather than just per session.
I'd don't need any sort of billing functions, though I won't object to them as long as they can be tucked neatly away where I don't have to look at them. It is essential, though, that the app be small and fairly simple -- I won't bother to use it if it's too big and clunky.
Does anyone know of an application or widget that would fit the bill?