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macrumors 65816
Original poster
Jan 16, 2009
A little off topic (but not really). I watched a documentary last night called Tim's Vermeer I thought I would pass it on as a recommendation for anyone interested in optics. The guy (Tim) was obsessed with how Johannes Vermeer was able to paint cinematic quality paintings and set out to prove that he might have used technology (optics) to help him recreate the images. My take on it was the guy (Tim) basically turned himself into a camera with a very simple optical setup. Pretty interesting stuff.
Thanks for posting, I'd forgotten about this one, can't wait to watch it!

Vermeer is one of my most favorite painters. His paintings are very small, yet you feel you are peering into them, into frozen time. (I can't emphasize the "into" enough. You don't look AT his paintings, stopping at the surface, they are like windows or pools of water.)
Wow! That subtlety to seeing light is something I have been labouring away to see and implement in my own imagery. Watching this has just been a series of major "a-ha moments" for me.

Thank you so much for posting this.
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