I thought I had figured out everything useful that many may not know on the iPhone and iPad. Apparenly, I was wrong. Have you ever come across something that you couldn't scroll through on a web page? An example would be when you try to look at the full friends list on a Facebook page, standard one-finger scrolling won't work. This is true of any seperate in-page area that would require you to have your cursor in it to scroll through on a computer. I didn't think it was possible to scroll through these in-page areas, and that's annoyed me a few times in the past.
Two-finger scrolling will allow you to scroll through in-page scrollable areas. Interestingly, two-finger scrolling has no momentum as standard scrolling does. Hopefully this is as rarely known as I had thought.
Two-finger scrolling will allow you to scroll through in-page scrollable areas. Interestingly, two-finger scrolling has no momentum as standard scrolling does. Hopefully this is as rarely known as I had thought.