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Wacky Jackson

macrumors member
Original poster
Feb 6, 2010
First off, I would like to tell you that I'm a beginner just got a dslr a week ago so don't be too harsh on me. It would be great if you could give some pointers on these two pictures. (I put links to the pictures as well)And I am aware of the little pink spot in the first picture. Thanks.

Designer Dale

macrumors 68040
Mar 25, 2009
Folding space
The lower one has nice framing to it. The first one is a bit off in it's colors. The sky looks too blue and pink at the same time. Sky and clouds are hard for the camera to work with. It's easy to get odd results. I looked through your photo album and liked most of your photos. Cats are hard to deal with, but yours is an interesting subject. Keep working on the little bugger and show us your stuff.



macrumors member
Jul 16, 2009
The tree in the first one looks a little out of place as you don't have any land in the shot. However, cropping it out would leave the shot without a real focal point. Without knowing what was in the rest of the scene it's hard to say, but perhaps including a small strip of land and the horizon in the shot would have given it a better focal point.

Second shot is good but something in the framing doesn't quite work for me.

I had a quick look at the rest of your shots and picture 7 of your cat definitely looks the best of the bunch. The only thing to watch on this one is the depth of field. It looks like you've focused on the side of his head so as a result the eyes are a little bit out of focus. Using a smaller aperture to keep more of the head in focus would have worked better.

Keep shooting, and keep asking questions!


macrumors 65816
Nov 30, 2003
In the first one, maybe try toning down the sharpening/definition (as I see you're using Aperture, it'd be sharpening/clarity in Lightroom) to cut down on the halo around the tree. (If you do keep the tree in there.)

The second one is nicely done (but if this is a crop of a larger photo, maybe a 16 by 9 crop would look good, to emphasize the length of the wires).

Wacky Jackson

macrumors member
Original poster
Feb 6, 2010
On the crop of the first one, there are houses in the bottom of the shot so I cropped them out. If it was just land I would of shown the ground. I made it 16.9 i suggested and cut out some of the house/tree.


Designer Dale

macrumors 68040
Mar 25, 2009
Folding space
You need to save the headroom above the tower. It looks really cramped in your crop. Take some off the bottom if you need to balance it more but not the top. This one of the things I try to see in the viewfinder before I hit the shutter. I take a good look at everything with close attention to what is going on around the edges.


Edit: The download from PhotoBucket crashes PhotoShop CS3. What app did you use? I was able to open it with Acrobat and save it as a PDF. Then PS did it's thing OK.
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