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macrumors regular
Original poster
Jan 14, 2002
some God forsaken place
Okay, I'd like to run a word processing app natively in OS X but I don't want to shell out over 300 bucks for MS Word. I was looking at Appleworks for OS X but I remember it being a tad anemic when I was using it in OS 9.x and I feel that Apple just gave up in that department and let Microsoft take over. I'm very reluctant to buy a ovepriced Microshlock product. I was looking into StarOffice by Sun Microsystems and it looks great but there is no OS X version. You'd think they'd port it over but noooooo. Freaking strange. I thought the CEO of that company had a blood-rivalry with Bill Gates. Well, what do you all think?
have you checked the price for PC products? much cheaper. I think they are trying to justify the amount of work put into it vs. the sales aspect. However, if it was within a resonable price range (including photoshop) I would snarf both up. However, time being, we all have food to buy.

I see that as the leading cause to limewire, carrocho etc....
I have been using AppleWorks for OS X for some time now. If you only want it for word processing, and a good spreadsheet application, it's the way to go. I have the latest version running at home, it's fast to load and doesn't come with useless crap.

If you need to get a copy, PM/email me and I might be able to help you out.
alternative word processors

Another word processor I have heard good things about is Mariner Write. It doesn't do quite as much as Word v.X, but is supposed to be very good. It is currently in beta, so it's free, but could be buggy.

In addition AbiWord, a word processor originally for *nix operating systems has been released for Xwindows. Depending on how ambitious you are and how fast your modem is you might want to order a cd with an installer from I currently have this and it seems to be pretty good. However, because it is in Xwindows, the window drawing seems slow. I hope this helped.
sounds great (especially the java based app) but it all has to be compatible w/word. that's the problem, we want to work with the rest of the world, not put ourselves further away & against.
All the solutions posted are compatible

Abiword is compatible with Word
Think Free Office - compatible with Word and Excel
OpenOsx's office - compatible with Word and Excel.

Appleworks 6.2.4 includes better translaters for Word and Excel than existed in previous versions. And for the most up to date translators for Word and Excel to Appleworks, go with Dataviz Maclinkplus at which is the basis of Applework's included translators. Dataviz's software also supports Word Perfect and Ami Pro and lots more translators. You really can't go wrong once you have Dataviz. And it is still cheaper than the retail Word and Excel for the Mac stand alone to get Appleworks and Maclinkplus.

Not to mention if you get Chronos Organizer and Eudora or Action's Up To Date/Contact (was once Now), you can have the complete functionality of Entourage. Eudora's Mac OS X native version is finally out of beta.
So is AppleWorks *completely* compatible with MS Office?

Yeah, I'm thinking of alternatives to Office right now too. I can get a copy of AppleWorks for about $30 using my educational discount, so it's definitely worth considering for me, although maybe AlphaTech could help me *AHEM* get a discount of sorts. ;)

Anyhow, is AppleWorks compatible with MS Office? That is, can I open and edit Word documents on AppleWorks and vice-versa without any hassles? I still use Office at work, so I can't abandon it completely. I just need to know if I can edit the documents I've made at work using AppleWorks and edit AppleWorks documents using Office all without the DataViz translators.

Re: So is AppleWorks *completely* compatible with MS Office?

Originally posted by macktheknife
Anyhow, is AppleWorks compatible with MS Office? That is, can I open and edit Word documents on AppleWorks and vice-versa without any hassles? I still use Office at work, so I can't abandon it completely. I just need to know if I can edit the documents I've made at work using AppleWorks and edit AppleWorks documents using Office all without the DataViz translators.


I've never had issue with opening up either word or excel files within AppleWorks 6.x. Make sure that you update to the very latest version and you should be fine. If you want to make double sure, then get the latest MacLink software as well.
if you want to pirate appleworks why not just pirate v.X?? geeze, at least dont pirate crap from apple buy thier products.. and pirate Office....
Originally posted by robbyd
if you want to pirate appleworks why not just pirate v.X?? geeze, at least dont pirate crap from apple buy thier products.. and pirate Office....

How can you priate something that came for FREE?!?!?!?!?! :rolleyes:

AppleWorks shipped for some time WITH systems, as in FREE.
check this out....I'm a little nervous as to why I'm being email solicited by this guy for this stuff, tell me what you think please. One of those "Sounds to good to be True" deals.

OS X Software ...


As a Mac user I though you might be interested in the following deal:

US$350 for the complete 22 CD set (Shipping included) or
US$75 for each software (Shipping included)

Adobe Photoshop 7.0 (for OS X and OS 9.0)
Adobe Golive 6.0 (for OS X and OS 9.0)
Adobe Live Motion 2.0 (for OS X and OS 9.0)
Adobe InDesign 2.0 (for OS X and OS 9.0)
Adobe After Effects 5.5 (for OS X and OS 9.0)
Adobe Acrobat 5.0 (for OS X and OS 9.0)
Adobe Illustrator 10 (for OS X and OS 9.0)
Apple DVD Studio Pro 1.5 (for OS X and OS 9.0)
Apple Final Cut Pro 3.0 (for OS X and OS 9.0)
Microsoft Office v.10 for OSX
Macromedia Freehand 10 (for OS X and OS 9.0)
Macromedia Flash 6 MX (for OS X and OS 9.0)
Virtual PC 5.0 with Windows 2000 (for OS X and OS 9.0)
Adaptec Toast 5 Platinium (for OS X and OS 9.0)
Apple Mac OS X 10.1.3
Apple Mac OS 9.2.2
Adobe Premiere 6.0 for OS 9
Macromedia Dreamweaver 4.0 for OS 9
Macromedia Fireworks 4.0 for OS 9
Microsoft Office 2001 for OS 9
QuarkXPress 5.0 for OS 9

Full and the latest version.

If you're interested let me know If not, I'm sorry to have bothered you.

I know some of that software goes for less than that alone, I bet someone is burning cd's from limewire. I'll be the first to bitch and moan about a products price, though all the above mentioned are fabulous programs, and well worth owning for real.
Photoshop 7 alone is more then what that guys is asking for... For all you know, he could be taking your info down, and your money, and you will never see the cd. Or he could send it to you, give you enough time to install some/all of it, and then report you.
he is with it looks very Applish...I would have thought Apple would have a problem with someone using that much info from their site...

we're talking tons of trade mark infringements, and just about every link off the site goes back to apple...

what if I installed a demo of something and now the big boys have my name and number? that would be very microsoft like.

or what if this guy works for apple through, stole this software, is using Apple's email lists to sell his Wa*ez

Where's Mulder?
Hrmmm...this thinkMacintosh website doesn't appear to have the pricelist on his website. If it was on his website, or you know for certain it is from him, then report it to Apple's legal department: You might want to forward full headers of the e-mail to Apple's department as it could be a spammer just taking advantage of a nice webmaster.
Just order the academic version of Office X to be shipped to you from Australia... You'll only be up for $150USD. And yes, that's a perfectly legal copy...

but for the moment, there's not a *complete* office alternative, but there's some interesting products coming soon...
Thanks for the feedback guys. I've downloaded Thinkfree and it's very good. I will definitely keep it as a serious contender. Sigh, oh how competition keeps developers on their toes and keeps prices on a sane level.
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