So i've searched through the net and read various iphone forums and FINALLY found out why my stays open all the time due to Tlert running its actions through it. I couldn't understand why it was always opening after i closed it in SBSettings, but now it makes so much sense now. I should of known this when i installed it.
My question is to all Tlert users. Are you guys experiencing indirect push with your mail since the app stays open all the time?
I have two Gmail accounts and a Yahoo! account synced up on the phone with no fetch and everything on manual, but whenever i get a new email, it sounds right up with the "new mail" tone and adds a badge on the app icon like it's being fetched, yet i have no fetch schedule or anything.
Is this because since the app is open, it seems like i'm opening the app and checking mail all the time (i.e. fetch or push)?
I'm wondering about this because i'm not sure if this is draining the battery by utilizing an "indirect fetch feature" or if it's just a load on the RAM like normal.
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My question is to all Tlert users. Are you guys experiencing indirect push with your mail since the app stays open all the time?
I have two Gmail accounts and a Yahoo! account synced up on the phone with no fetch and everything on manual, but whenever i get a new email, it sounds right up with the "new mail" tone and adds a badge on the app icon like it's being fetched, yet i have no fetch schedule or anything.
Is this because since the app is open, it seems like i'm opening the app and checking mail all the time (i.e. fetch or push)?
I'm wondering about this because i'm not sure if this is draining the battery by utilizing an "indirect fetch feature" or if it's just a load on the RAM like normal.
Answers? Opinions? Insights?