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macrumors 6502a
Original poster
May 17, 2009
Los Angeles, CA
So i've searched through the net and read various iphone forums and FINALLY found out why my stays open all the time due to Tlert running its actions through it. I couldn't understand why it was always opening after i closed it in SBSettings, but now it makes so much sense now. I should of known this when i installed it.:eek:

My question is to all Tlert users. Are you guys experiencing indirect push with your mail since the app stays open all the time?

I have two Gmail accounts and a Yahoo! account synced up on the phone with no fetch and everything on manual, but whenever i get a new email, it sounds right up with the "new mail" tone and adds a badge on the app icon like it's being fetched, yet i have no fetch schedule or anything.

Is this because since the app is open, it seems like i'm opening the app and checking mail all the time (i.e. fetch or push)?

I'm wondering about this because i'm not sure if this is draining the battery by utilizing an "indirect fetch feature" or if it's just a load on the RAM like normal.

Answers? Opinions? Insights?

What actual proof do you have that tlert is using the mail app? That doesn't sound right at all. I also use tlert and have been for about 2 months now and my mail app behaves normal.

I have fetch set at every 15min for 2 email accounts including a gmail account. While using tlert I have never experienced this of opening the mail app or anything to do with the mail app.
If you have sbsettings installed, open up your processes and you will see Mail open. When u kill it, a minute or so later it will reopen. This is because RockApp runs through instead of the springboard. RockApp says it's because their apps will be stable and not crash as often by running through Mail instead of the springboard. I say this because I've noticed that I'll get alerts for new mail like it's being pushed to the phone even though I have no push or fetch schedule set up and I attributed this to having open all the time, not just backgrounded, but always open. This is just my theory and I was seeing if anyone else was finding the same behavior with their tlert or other Rock Apps.
Yeah I thought so too. I actually had to restore my phone because it bricked a couple of days ago. Got everything back but haven't installed tlert or rockapp yet. I'm finding that after I kill the mail and iPod apps in sbsettings, they're staying closed. I tool screenshots but I can't upload them from the iPhone and I'm not home this weekend, but in them I took a shot of my processes open @ 6:04PM then again @ 6:15PM and was the only one open. Is this also happening to anyone else?

In other words, I'm finding that mail and iPod is staying closed, allowing my RAM to hover from 30-50MB on standby, which is wonderful for performance. I had winterboard and a lot of other stuff but performance was horrible, so I think I'll leave those alone.

I'll install tlert again and monitor it to see if it still does that indirect mail fetch thing it was doing, but I was just seeing if anyone else was experiencing this too.
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