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macrumors 65816
Original poster
Jul 31, 2007
TMO USA- Tried the phone on/off, sim in/out, airplane mode thing listen everywhere and still it just sits at 1 bar with no carrier name.

I had stock phone on 2.1, upgraded thru iTunes to 2.2, then quickpwned, then downloaded yellowsn0w through cydia.

What am I doing wrong? Thanks
Here is what I did and it worked for me...I hope it helps you.

First use Installer to install Yellowsn0w. Make sure your T-Mobile Sim is in the phone. (For some reason installer worked for me. And let me tell you I tried with Cydia.)

2. Once Yellowsn0w is installed Restart your phone with SBsettings or Boss Prefs. If you don't have one of those download it from Cydia.

3. Once it has restarted go in and reset you network settings. Settings> General> Reset> Reset Network Settings.

Once this is done you should see you T-Mobile carrier come up. If not you will need to turn Airplane mode On/Off.

That should do it. It has worked for me 100% of the time.

Also, everytime you replace the sim or restart you will have to reset your network settings and maybe do the whole Airplane Mode thing.

I have also had some weird issues with my AT&T card which required me to go through the whole process again. Which really hasn't been that bad. It only came up when I tried to install something for Boss Prefs.
Plus, if it looses its mind I just uninstall Yellowsn0w and my AT&T sim runs fine.

Hope that works.
I've been using Cydia this whole time. I followed your instructions using Installer and I get the same result.....

Any other ideas? Thanks for trying though.

After airplane mode, it will say "searching" for a split second and then show the 5 dots again. In "settings", it shows airplane mode, wifi, then fetch new data. It never shows "carrier"... If I remember correctly, even if you don't have coverage, it will show "carrier"...
Well shoot...I will keep my eyes open on the Dev Team blog to see if I notice anything that could help.
This is how I got mine to work.

Reboot with airplane mode on. Then turn it off after reboot.

Good Luck!!
I've been using Cydia this whole time. I followed your instructions using Installer and I get the same result.....

Any other ideas? Thanks for trying though.

After airplane mode, it will say "searching" for a split second and then show the 5 dots again. In "settings", it shows airplane mode, wifi, then fetch new data. It never shows "carrier"... If I remember correctly, even if you don't have coverage, it will show "carrier"...

Check you Carrier info in your about screen. If it says (null) (null) then I don't think you will ever get a signal. What I had to do was restore with the ATT sim in the phone then jailbreak and install yellowsn0w through cydia. After the install shutoff the phone and replace your sim with the t-mobile sim then turn on the phone. Let it sit for 10-20 seconds then reboot the phone again. After a little while it should say searching then go into your settings and turn off 3G. Also make sure your Carrier info doesn't say (null) (null).
It does say null null ! Damn it... Well, I don't have a ATT sim to use... Maybe this weekend I can get one. I hope they fix this in .96 :(

Any other ideas without using a ATT sim?
It does say null null ! Damn it... Well, I don't have a ATT sim to use... Maybe this weekend I can get one. I hope they fix this in .96 :(

Any other ideas without using a ATT sim?

If you had a sim from any other the official carrier you might be able to use that sim to do a DFU restore. I've tried restoring without a sim and with A t-mobile sim and both gave me that null null on the carrier info. The sim might not even need to be activated, it just needs to be from an officiL carrier.
Ok... I followed the instructions from "Mees" on the dev-team's blog and I got it to work... I don't know how or why, but it works now, lol. However, I turned off the phone and it stopped working, but then I switched airplane mode on and then off and it started working again. Its seems pretty fragile right now... I dunno if I would switch to it as my primary phone just yet... Waiting for a more stable release, hopefully soon. Thanks for everyone's suggestions and keep more coming if there are any to keep it working after reboots!
Ok... I followed the instructions from "Mees" on the dev-team's blog and I got it to work... I don't know how or why, but it works now, lol. However, I turned off the phone and it stopped working, but then I switched airplane mode on and then off and it started working again. Its seems pretty fragile right now... I dunno if I would switch to it as my primary phone just yet... Waiting for a more stable release, hopefully soon. Thanks for everyone's suggestions and keep more coming if there are any to keep it working after reboots!

0.9.6 was just released and it no longer requires an airplane mode toggle or sim card removal to work. It just works right when you turn it on!! Yay. Upgrade! :)
Thanks for the update, wife have the tmobile and she is not home, so I cannot test it, question with this 0.9.6 update, can you switch the sim on the fly without rebooting?
Thanks for the update, wife have the tmobile and she is not home, so I cannot test it, question with this 0.9.6 update, can you switch the sim on the fly without rebooting?

You should be able to. It works just like a factory unlocked iphone, so you should just be able to switch the cards and it will pick up the connection. But even if you had to reboot it (which you probably don't) it wouldn't be that much more of a hassle. :D
email me @

and i'll give you my phone number to walk you through the steps.

it took me a good 4 hours to get it but it was sooo worth the time. Loving the look and feel of the 3g
email me @

and i'll give you my phone number to walk you through the steps.

it took me a good 4 hours to get it but it was sooo worth the time. Loving the look and feel of the 3g

With this new update 0.9.6 I doubt he'll need a walk through, but it couldn't hurt. Also I'd edit your post and pm him your email. Posting your email on a public forum is just asking for spam.
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