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macrumors 6502
Original poster
Dec 11, 2006
El Paso, TX

My HDTV came with a blu-ray player as a bundle and I can't decide to keep it or sell it and buy something else for my home entertainment. If I could have some input from you guys on keeping it or selling it? Is it worth having one? Do you enjoy it? OR sell the damn thing and buy something else?

Thank you.
Ya, Bluray is a great thing to have. I use Netflix and they will send me blurays of anything they have. So, its cool to be able to use them and not have to buy them all. I'm not a big fan of buying movies. I usually only watch them once, anyway.
I understand what you mean. I never got into collection VHS but I have a extensive DVD collection and didn't want to start collecting my movies over again in blu so why get a blu-ray player. Well, when you get a HDTV it plays your DVDs fine but once you get used to seeing a good blu-ray movie version of a favorite movie the DVD just doesn't cut it anymore. I have only started getting my favorite Science Fiction/Fantasy movies in blu-ray, none of my classic or TV shows. I figure special effects, Nature specials that were specially made for HD and some animation make the best use of HD. As noted by others you don't have to buy, plenty places rent blu-ray discs, Blockbuster, Netflex, Redbox. I use my Panasonic blu-ray player every day and don't even play with my old Sony 5 disc DVD player anymore.
Apple TV means jaiblreak and free movies :p

But honestly real difference for me is if you can see the difference with 720 and 1080 and your TV supports 1080 go Blueray

If not Apple TV is fine and usually cheaper :D If you have a good lan connection of course
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