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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Dec 18, 2003
Does anyone know if any of the new apps solve this dreadful shortcoming of the iPhone? Still can't believe the feature did not make the cut in 2.0.
Personally, I find the To Dos severely lacking in iCal. I would love to find a program that allows repeating To Dos. Out of the ones I've seen in the application store, To Do by Appigo seems to be pretty good.
Cultured Code has released an iPhone version of Things. The desktop version syncs with iCal. If you read the FAQ they're working on iPhone Things syncing properly with desktop Things, which means it will sync with iCal.

Link to culturedcode site.

I want to do that syncs with outlook. And notes syncing too.

Why can calendar and contacts sync, but notes doesn't? And why didn't they make a tasks app? It'd be super easy and very useful.
Appigo ToDo

Appigo's ToDo is a task manager for the iPhone and iPad that is excellent. It will sync with online services like Remember the Milk and Toodledo. It can also sync with iCal's To-Do's via a helper application called Appigo Sync.

I use this in conjunction with iGeeTaskForiCal to sync with Google Tasks.
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