.mac just sent me this little reminder
"you haven't activated your account yet. Find out what wonderful things it can do!"
It gave me this cute little button which said, "Activate now." I clicked on the button.
It asked me for this sixteen digit code that came with the nearly empty box, and when I clicked enter, it said the key had already been used. I tried clicking "new account" but it had the same statement.
They contacted me. Why can't I use the only activation key I have? I've kept my email addresses consistent since I started up with this computer. So, why have I run into a brick wall?
So far, dot mac isn't worth the trouble, or the $99.00.
"you haven't activated your account yet. Find out what wonderful things it can do!"
It gave me this cute little button which said, "Activate now." I clicked on the button.
It asked me for this sixteen digit code that came with the nearly empty box, and when I clicked enter, it said the key had already been used. I tried clicking "new account" but it had the same statement.
They contacted me. Why can't I use the only activation key I have? I've kept my email addresses consistent since I started up with this computer. So, why have I run into a brick wall?
So far, dot mac isn't worth the trouble, or the $99.00.