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macrumors 6502
Original poster
Jul 14, 2009
Sold off my iPad last week ( loved it but really couldn't deal with the price tag for the specs )

A lot of talk about the iPhone 4 having more ram and being much better spec wise then the iPad. A lot of people complained ( i did also )

Well, I got my iPhone 4 today and just to let everyone know, Don't let the RAM thing throw you off. My iPad ( when i had it ) felt quick and did things so much smoother then the iPhone 4. The iP4, honestly seems a bit sluggish comparing it to a 3GS in all honesty. I am not saying the iP4 is slow, but at times you notice lag/slow down.

The iPad having less ram ( but a faster processor ) is much more fluid and smoother....

So to everyone who complained, Relax! The iPad still takes the lead i think! ( this is coming from someone who SOLD there iPad and now owns a iP4 )

Oh and the fact that the iPad owned the score in Geek Bench over the iP4 is also more proof..
...and when the iPad v2 comes out in Nov/Dec with 512 ram and 64gig of storage you will thank your self for selling it!
Listen closely. Specs *go out the window* if it operates well. It's all about how it performs. If it's right on, it does not matter. At all.
...and when the iPad v2 comes out in Nov/Dec with 512 ram and 64gig of storage you will thank your self for selling it!

I don't want to mean rude, but come on...the ipad has just been released on late april in the US and a month later over the Main countries in Europe and Asia.

They are having more demand than offer, why they would give a new version so quickly?
The iPad having less ram ( but a faster processor ) is much more fluid and smoother...

You are aware that the iPad and the iPhone 4 share the same processor, right?

And you're the only person I've read thus far making the claim that the iPhone 4 feels slower than the iPhone 3GS. I'm calling b.s. :rolleyes:

If your iPhone 4 is slower than a 3gs... there's something wrong with your iPhone 4. Seriously.

Yeah, what this guy said.
...and when the iPad v2 comes out in Nov/Dec with 512 ram and 64gig of storage you will thank your self for selling it!

Err yeah thanks for the timeline Nostradamus.


If you truly believe Apple will refresh in less than 6 months timer, when it hasn't even started selling to any more than 9 countries then I have one simple word.... Bless

You are aware that the iPad and the iPhone 4 share the same processor, right?

But it seems at this point to be underclocked. Therefore same processor - but slower ;) but the community is still awaiting full clarification.
They are having more demand than offer, why they would give a new version so quickly?

Agreed :)

If sales drop off, then we might see:
  • Price changes
  • Front-facing camera

But, IMHO, Apple will rely on software to keep the momentum going:
  • iOS 4, multi-tasking &c
  • USB web-cam support?
  • Widgets on homescreen?
...and when the iPad v2 comes out in Nov/Dec with 512 ram and 64gig of storage you will thank your self for selling it!

Unless they drastically change the design, features, or specs (i.e., weight), I likely will keep my current iPad 64. I'm happy with my current iPad, although there are some things I wish for (but realize they aren't possible given today's technology).
Unless they drastically change the design, features, or specs (i.e., weight), I likely will keep my current iPad 64. I'm happy with my current iPad, although there are some things I wish for (but realize they aren't possible given today's technology).

yeah yeah yeah.....

Until you see "NEW SHINY" you mean :D

Several reviewers have stated the iPhone 4 is faster than the 3gs.

Here's Engadget's

"...The phone is definitely snappier than the 3GS, so we're not about to volley complaints just yet -- in particular, graphics seemed to render faster, and overall responsiveness was slightly higher, though admittedly, it wasn't blowing the doors off the joint. It's certainly faster, but the 3GS wasn't hurting on speed to our eyes, so it's not as wildly noticeable a leap as the 3G to the 3GS...."

They also 'think' the iP4 has the same chip as the iPad but underclocked. ( teardown maybe?)
Sold off my iPad last week ( loved it but really couldn't deal with the price tag for the specs )

A lot of talk about the iPhone 4 having more ram and being much better spec wise then the iPad. A lot of people complained ( i did also )

Well, I got my iPhone 4 today and just to let everyone know, Don't let the RAM thing throw you off. My iPad ( when i had it ) felt quick and did things so much smoother then the iPhone 4. The iP4, honestly seems a bit sluggish comparing it to a 3GS in all honesty. I am not saying the iP4 is slow, but at times you notice lag/slow down.

The iPad having less ram ( but a faster processor ) is much more fluid and smoother....

So to everyone who complained, Relax! The iPad still takes the lead i think! ( this is coming from someone who SOLD there iPad and now owns a iP4 )

Oh and the fact that the iPad owned the score in Geek Bench over the iP4 is also more proof..

For the moment the 512mb RAM is pretty useless and just a marketing ploy. I had a 3gs which was jailbroken and I regularly backgrounded 3-4 programs and never had any issues with memory or sluggishness, my phone was always snappy no matter what I threw at it. My wife's 3g (my old phone) is pretty snappy as well, but it's not jailbroken or anything, but it's just as snappy as my 3gs in regular stuff like opening programs, etc. I don't know why others get lag and programs open slow, but I've never really seen it, although I've never owned a 2g.

I'm sure we will see the day when a program is released that takes advantage of the 512mb, but like all other "new" features it won't be until we are far into the product cycle. 3 months out and I'm still waiting for ipad ports of my favorite programs. Yes I know about imovie, but it's nothing I'm personally interested in. It's human nature to want to justify your shiny new purchase, but I just don't think the 512mb makes much of a difference (if any), and I'm very much a power user.
I'd also expect that the additional RAM is to counteract both multi-tasking and a slower CPU clock.

I doubt actual programs will really utilize the extra ram much, but I would expect that it could be used as an additional buffer to help keep the system snappy while maintaining the state of the programs shifted to the non-current app.
Faster processor doesn't stop crashes due to ram limitations.

Crashes don't occur because of less RAM. Crashes occur because moron developer allocates memory and assumes it will always succeed. If the software is written properly it won't crash.
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