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macrumors 6502a
Original poster
Jul 24, 2007
Lisbon, Portugal
That's the big question.

So it was my birthday this past friday and for my joy, i got the full amount to buy the i5 with edu discount.

The question is should i get it now from the apple store, or wait, say, till january to order it. Do you now if the problems have stabilized with the last imac's?

In a portuguese forum, 2 guys have already recieved the imacs, and the yellow tinge is still there although it's in the corner of the screen and they say it's that big of a deal, that you don't see it if your not searching for it. The rest it's all good, no buzzes, no hdd noises.

Not mentioning that it's ordering from the apple store or burst! the stores still don't have it, and ordering from them it's to wait 2 months or more, so my only alternative it's the apple store.
Yakuza, first off happy birthday. To answer you question if you really want it go for it. I was on the fence just like you last week with should I order the i7 or not. Needless to I ordered and yes I am worried about the issues but apple has always stood by their products. If i receive a bad one I will simply exchange it at their cost. If you by the i5 as you stated in your post I would recommend that you go to the apple store to purchase it. That way you can have them open it and test it right their in the store. If it has any of the issues then you can have them exchange it on the spot. :D
I am holding on at the moment on my next 27" i7......hope more good news will be available in january. In the meantime I am still enjoying my 24" 3,06 Ghz :rolleyes:
I am holding on at the moment on my next 27" i7......hope more good news will be available in january. In the meantime I am still enjoying my 24" 3,06 Ghz :rolleyes:

I stupidly sold off my 3.06Ghz iMac to finance the purchase of an I7 iMac. I figured the glitches I was reading about would be resolved in short order, and that Apple would announce the solution for the problem.

I have no doubt Apple is now aware of the problems...
Yakuza, first off happy birthday. To answer you question if you really want it go for it. I was on the fence just like you last week with should I order the i7 or not. Needless to I ordered and yes I am worried about the issues but apple has always stood by their products. If i receive a bad one I will simply exchange it at their cost. If you by the i5 as you stated in your post I would recommend that you go to the apple store to purchase it. That way you can have them open it and test it right their in the store. If it has any of the issues then you can have them exchange it on the spot. :D

thanks :)

sadly, very very sadly, we still haven't got an apple store here in portugal. We only have a phone number to call to (that's a big lol). A friend of mine got a led cinema display 3 weeks later died, he call them, and the only thing they said is that he should get to a official apple repair shop...they didn't trade for a new one, and so he did. Most probably they will get him a new one instead of reparing it. The only fisical stores that sell the imacs, still dont have them. The biggest store here selling them, are still waiting to get the ones ordered online, so i guess it's going to be a long time until they have stock i5.

I really think i'll be better of ordering online from apple store, and, what will be, will be lol.
I would wait...

until you start to hear the display issues are no longer present on new machines, or Apple publicly acknowledges the issue and fix.

I am on my 4th 27" i5 and they all have had screen issues... first was flickering, then 3 in a row with yellow tinge.

I am keeping the 4th one until it's fixed or Apple says it's not a problem...

As for where... I'd order online from the Apple store as opposed to any 3rd party dealers.
Definitely wait. I am on the second iMac 27 i5 and this one is worse than the first. It will go back to the store, and I will continue to use my laptop hooked up to a monitor at this point. I cannot accept a 2000 dollar machine with so many poor faults. (bad screens, buzzing machines that make the entire desk vibrate etc). These are poor quality machines, so wait for them to be improved, unless you are willing to settle. I honestly really wish it weren't that way, because it's a very impressive design.
I've ordered an 27" i5 a couple of weeks ago (should had it friday) but I cancelled my order and decided to wait until january when hopefully the problems are getting fixed.

It is just such a hassle to replace a machine (we also don't have an apple store in Belgium, only APR's with no big stock) number of times because of defects. Have better things to do with my time.
Can you get the education discount on the refurbs too? The only way I'd feel comfortable buying an iMac right now would be if it were a refurb.
Can you get the education discount on the refurbs too? The only way I'd feel comfortable buying an iMac right now would be if it were a refurb.

No edu discount on refurbs.

In all honesty, depending on what the Apple guy says to me tomorrow when he calls me regarding the 2nd borked iMac, I may just say screw it and buy a Mac Pro, even if the noise and lack of equivalent monitor and price will be points against that.
So I guess from the posts the answer is "Yes, buy it now". It seems there are very few machines with problems.

I'm staring at a 27 duo and there are few words to describe it other than everyone that's seen it is damned impressed. Including people who are not apple fans.

This is my first time going Apple. I've loved every minute of it. My daughter who is a PC fan is now seriously considering swapping to Apple next month. (She'll do it).

So I guess from the posts the answer is "Yes, buy it now". It seems there are very few machines with problems.

I'm staring at a 27 duo and there are few words to describe it other than everyone that's seen it is damned impressed. Including people who are not apple fans.

This is my first time going Apple. I've loved every minute of it. My daughter who is a PC fan is now seriously considering swapping to Apple next month. (She'll do it).


Mystic - Actually there are many problems it seems. Unless a faulty screen doesn't bother you, you might hold off a while until some of the reviews start to sound better. If you don't mind exchanging a few times if you get a bad one, you can try now, if you can find one.
Fora what i've seen from another post, there's a lot of people recieving i5/i7 from week 48/50 and some of them have not a problem at all, other's have the yellow tinge more or less visible, but other than that everything works nice.

I guess that's a good sign, although there's still the screen thing, i guess that although you don't see you'll always get the feeling that the 2K imac isn't perfect. I think i'll just wait till january to see how this thing goes.
Wait. The chances are to high that you will get a bad one. If you can hold off, wait until apple comes out and explains what happened (if they do), or until folks start posting bug free systems. No way would I spend that kind of money on a dud!
Wait. The chances are to high that you will get a bad one. If you can hold off, wait until apple comes out and explains what happened (if they do), or until folks start posting bug free systems. No way would I spend that kind of money on a dud!

Catch-22 ... most people only post when they have problems. Far fewer people post that their machines are working fine, and thank goodness for that since this forum would be deowning with such posts. :)

Apple has apparently released a firmware update to fix the flickering screen problem some people are experiencing.

As for ordering an iMac now, I'd wait ... mostly because it's now the Christmas silly season and you're going to have to wait longer for everyone to get back to work and actually deliver it anyway. :)
That's exactly what i'm going to do, wait till january and some good news.

by the way, whats the time between RevA and RevB products?
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