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macrumors regular
Original poster
Aug 28, 2003
My Toast 5.11 was running nicely till yesterday, now its suddenly comes up with an error msg : when i click the 'Record' button to burn a DVD, it says "There is no memory to run this command." The error code it shows is -108, which Apple's error code page confirms is for "-108 memFullErr Ran out of memory [not enough room in heap zone]"

i stopped every other application from running, restarted the machine, tried another blank DVD, a different video to burn, but no go.

the total memory on my iMac is 768MB, and most of it seems to be available (used the freeware tool MenuMeters to check).

so, has anybody seen this before? any suggestions?

also, is there any other software to burn a movie DVD? i am trying to backup Monster's Inc, so it would be more than 90 minutes, effectively beyond iDVD. YuBurner seems to be for Data DVDs only.
i've had that problem before, usually if it's a 2nd of 2 DVD set where the 2nd DVD starts immediately, ie no menu
iirc, i believe that there's a problem in a menu or something like that, i can't remember the exact cause, but you may need to re-rip the files...
aah, i should try that.

i was trying to be clever, and manually removed some of the VOB files (which had previews of other movies), hoping to save on compression. maybe that's being too clever for my own good...

thanks for the tip. shall try that when i get home today.

but is Toast the only way to burn a movie DVD?
updating just for the record : i used the complete dvd rip (including portions that i had removed) and it worked like a beaut.

thanks krimson for the info. saved me some heartburn.
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