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macrumors P6
Original poster
Jun 4, 2003
I ran into a curious problem the other day with Toast and AIFF files, and was wondering if anyone else had encountered this or might know what is going on.

Basically, I wanted to burn a large MP3 (1-hour DJ set, 90 MB) onto an audio CD. So, I imported the file into Sound Studio, edited it up a little, inserted some markers, and then went “split by markers” to break up the file into tracks, essentially, as I did not want one large 60-minute track. So, I ended up with 6 separate AIFF audio files, which when burned using DAO, would fit perfectly together with seamless trackmarkers - I've done it before, no problems at all.

Now here’s the problem I ran into. In Toast I selected to burn an audio CD, and dragged the 6 AIFF files into it. I selected DAO, etc., and removed all the 2-second gaps. However, when I hit the “burn” button, Toast first analyzed the files, as if not recognizing them, then added in 2-second gaps between each track and burned the CD incorrectly! I then did a test, whereby I used simulation mode first, and the same thing happened. However, once the simulated burn was complete, I could then go and remove the 2-second gaps once again that Toast had put in there, and the CD would burn fine, the way it was supposed to! Also, the icons for the files would change, from a Sound Studio/AIFF icon to a Toast icon.

So does anyone have any ideas why Toast doesn’t seem to recognize raw audio files and burn them properly when “audio disc” is selected? (Or at least, not before a simluation is ran?) Any input would be appreciated, as I found this quite perplexing.
Jam, you say?

krimson said:
I haven't seen that one before, but i've been using Jam to record my sets to CD.
what version toast are you using?

I’ve been using Toast Titanium 6. As for Jam, quite honestly, I am not sure what exactly it is and what it is used for, although I have heard of it before. Please enlighten me, and if it will burn my audio CDs better, maybe I’ll have to pick up a copy!
Jam is a PQ encoder for Toast, essentially it allows you to burn Red book CD's (standard audio) as opposed to the Orange book CD's that Toast puts out (general media).

It will allow level corrections of individual tracks, programmable crossfades between tracks and burns a correct TOC for the audio standard.

I've been using it for years, it works a treat, if you need to burn proper audio CD's go get it.
WinterMute said:
Jam is a PQ encoder for Toast, essentially it allows you to burn Red book CD's (standard audio) as opposed to the Orange book CD's that Toast puts out (general media).

It will allow level corrections of individual tracks, programmable crossfades between tracks and burns a correct TOC for the audio standard.

I've been using it for years, it works a treat, if you need to burn proper audio CD's go get it.

Wow, that sounds awesome - I had no idea! It definitely sounds worth it, so I think I'll be picking that one up for sure, as I do a lot of audio CD burning for myself and my friends.

Thanks for the tip - sounds like Jam will be the way to go for me! :cool:
I had exactly the same problem with Toast

I ran into exactly the same problem with Toast and used exactly the same 'workaround'.
I think this used to work in older versions of Toast, but what the heck, maybe I should just start Jam-ming :cool: as suggested in this thread.

~Shard~ said:
I ran into a curious problem the other day with Toast and AIFF files, and was wondering if anyone else had encountered this or might know what is going on.

Basically, I wanted to burn a large MP3 (1-hour DJ set, 90 MB) onto an audio CD. So, I imported the file into Sound Studio, edited it up a little, inserted some markers, and then went “split by markers” to break up the file into tracks, essentially, as I did not want one large 60-minute track. So, I ended up with 6 separate AIFF audio files, which when burned using DAO, would fit perfectly together with seamless trackmarkers - I've done it before, no problems at all.

Now here’s the problem I ran into. In Toast I selected to burn an audio CD, and dragged the 6 AIFF files into it. I selected DAO, etc., and removed all the 2-second gaps. However, when I hit the “burn” button, Toast first analyzed the files, as if not recognizing them, then added in 2-second gaps between each track and burned the CD incorrectly! I then did a test, whereby I used simulation mode first, and the same thing happened. However, once the simulated burn was complete, I could then go and remove the 2-second gaps once again that Toast had put in there, and the CD would burn fine, the way it was supposed to! Also, the icons for the files would change, from a Sound Studio/AIFF icon to a Toast icon.

So does anyone have any ideas why Toast doesn’t seem to recognize raw audio files and burn them properly when “audio disc” is selected? (Or at least, not before a simluation is ran?) Any input would be appreciated, as I found this quite perplexing.
Belgium said:
I ran into exactly the same problem with Toast and used exactly the same 'workaround'.
I think this used to work in older versions of Toast, but what the heck, maybe I should just start Jam-ming :cool: as suggested in this thread.

I’m definitely going to try Jam out - sounds like exactly what I need. And I’m glad my inquiry has helped someone else out too as a result! :)
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