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macrumors 68000
Original poster
Jun 27, 2008
This past weekend I had the opportunity to test the TomTom app. I started in southern Ohio and navigated to Crossville TN. approx 350 miles one way.

My phone is a iPhone 3G JB w/numerous apps downloaded from Cydia, including Backgrounder.

First off, a couple of things I noticed while navigating...

-TomTom is slighty less accurate in positioning compared to Navigon

-TomTom is less detailed, and slightly slower, on the actual "turn-by-turn" voice instruction (which is important and I'll talk about later)

-TomTom seems to use less available memory than Navigon..likely to vary
TomTom's average free memory w/ipod playing= 11 MB
Navigon' average free memory w/ipod playing= 8 MB

-TomTom is faster in finding and acquiring routes from a fresh startup.

Now, I have read numerous concerns about safe navigation while using turn by turn....In my opinion, Backgrounder is the answer.

On the trip home I backgrounded TT and when I got in the city parts, I let the voice alone guide me. This allows you to keep your eyes and most of your mind on the road. It was less stressful than constantly looking down at the Phone to see your route. If you get off track, it's very easy to open the app and it shows right up where you are within a half a second, even on low memory.

Most probably already know all of this, but for those who are "on the fence" or concerned about safety, this might help them make that decision once and for all.

FWIW, I drive a Silverado and using the method I described its similar to using Onstar except with the phone you obviously have the opportunity to see the route.
Thanks for that. I have not used another TBT on the iPhone. I am really digging the TomTom app.
I wish you could zoom navigon in farther. Its so small and hard to read adjacent street names.
Yep! Backgrounder works perfectely. I usually
have Navigon running in the background and have Slacker playing music as well. It works great:)
Thanks for that. I have not used another TBT on the iPhone. I am really digging the TomTom app.

No problem. :)

I wish you could zoom navigon in farther. Its so small and hard to read adjacent street names.

I do too but I actually prefer the little logos of the businesses that Navigon displays compared to the 'generic' symbol that tomtom displays. For some reason its easier for me to read and navigate.

Yep! Backgrounder works perfectely. I usually
have Navigon running in the background and have Slacker playing music as well. It works great:)

It recently got a facelift too! I'm glad to finally be able to use the full feature BG. Amazing app that makes you scratch your head and wonder what Apple was thinking by not implementing this in some way?
Backgrounder and running several apps gets you a slow phone...memory hog!
Backgrounder and running several apps gets you a slow phone...memory hog!

It depends. I have run a couple of apps with backgrounder and don't have a problem. Check out my mQuickdo review in my signature so you can see what I am talking about.
I think I am going to install backgrounder...I'd really like to be listening to Pandora and do other things with the phone.
What I found was that TomTom with voice only and backgrounder activated but with the screen off did not work. Worked for a bit and then stopped. Turning the screen on it worked again and kept working without the screen disabled. Doing the same with insomnia running and screen off worked ok. I find that tomtoms voice instructions are sometimes wrong (where junctions have presumably changed) and sometimes late (all testing in London). I found navigating on voice alone impossible unless you had a good idea of where you were going and knew how to interpret the instructions.
Oh, one thing I was surprised worked, I could run TomTom with Tuner (radio app) backgrounded running and TomTom was properly interrupting the Tuner app for voice instructions and letting it continue afterwards :)
This all sounds interesting for those who don't have a normal tomtom or garmin but I think I will stick to my garmin. Glad it is working for you all.
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