does anyone know how much the real time traffic in app purchase is?
Can someone please post the US$ prices, as the UK prices seem to be very much higher than $20/year!
£0.59 for 1 day.
£4.99 for 1 month.
£11.49 for 3 months.
£37.99 for 1 year.
UK shafted again?
Downloading now, and REALLY happy about this release. I'm a 3G owner, and moved back to Tomtom a while ago after coming to the realization that Navigon does just not function satisfactorily on my 3G.
I'm hoping these updates do not hinder Tomtom's performance on a 3G, but it is going to be a while until this download completes, and I do the install. Anyone have any quick input on this? Please don't tell me the added features are going to take menu\usage performance down the same path as Navigon. (I'm hoping this is not the case, but still worried, LOL).
After I installed the update TomTom was VERY SLOW. I tuned the phone off and back on again and it's fine now.
Downloading now, and REALLY happy about this release. I'm a 3G owner, and moved back to Tomtom a while ago after coming to the realization that Navigon does just not function satisfactorily on my 3G.
I'm hoping these updates do not hinder Tomtom's performance on a 3G, but it is going to be a while until this download completes, and I do the install. Anyone have any quick input on this? Please don't tell me the added features are going to take menu\usage performance down the same path as Navigon. (I'm hoping this is not the case, but still worried, LOL).
They only cover 102 US markets. See if your area is covered by clicking here:
Am I missing something or is the live traffic only for the iPhone? I have the TomTom app for my iPod touch and I can not find out where to buy the live traffic update.
Am I missing something - does the HD traffic AUTOMATICALLY re-route or not?
Tried it on the route demo and it DOES NOT automatically re-route.
You have to press the coloured car symbol on the top right, select the traffic incident on the scroll bar, and then select minimise delays.
This is not ideal if you are driving.
Has anyone managed to get it to automatically re-route?
According to the admin over at gpsreview it DOES automatically re-route if it thinks the re-route will be faster.
So far I have to say the traffic data appears more complete than that in Navigon. Now that TomTom has finally added the traffic, I think that I can replace Navigon as my main Nav app. I really prefer the interface in TomTom.
1. It can correctly parse all my addresses... Navigon doesn't
2. Traffic Info is more complete. If it saves me from just one 30 min traffic jam it has paid for itself.
3. I can choose to avoid a road on my route (Navigon can't).
4. It correctly displays ETAs in 24 hour time.
I agree, TomTom will be replacing Navigon as my go to nav app as well. IMHO, it does almost everything better than Navigon, including traffic, lane assist, UI while driving, most likely smart routing (Navigon hasn't released theirs yet, but I don't expect it to be better than IQ Routes). There are still two areas where Navigon is much better, and I hope TomTom improves these in a future update:
1) iPod music integration. TomTom's integration is one step above useless, while Navigon's is fantastic.
2) Adding waypoints, i.e. multiple destinations along the route. Navigon does this very well, but it practically doesn't exist in TomTom. You have to chose an alternate route after the initial route is planned, then use the "travel via..." option to add the intermediate destination. If you try to add a second waypoint, it replaces the first.
Solid update. Brings it pretty much in line with what it should've been at launch (this is coming from a guy who bought the app for $99 the day it was released, then bought the car kit separately for the $120, so I have a little $$ sunk into it).
Biggest upgrades to me are the traffic info and the ability to set the relative volume of the voice guidance vis-a-vis the iPod.
My one remaining gripe is that THE LINE-OUT ON THE CAR KIT IS STILL SET TO FULL BLAST WITH NO ABILITY TO ADJUST IT!!!!!!! This causes some obvious distortion issues. When I questioned TomTom Tech Support on it prior to this release, I was told "we're aware of the issue; it will be corrected in the next update". wasn't. Time to call again, I guess. This is a seriously annoying bug to those of us who use the line-out feature on the Car Kit.
Aside from that fundamental problem which was not corrected, pretty happy with the update.