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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Jan 25, 2011
Note : Win a TonidoPlug (Plug Computer) - Give your Comments & Feedback on Tonido iPhone app. Please check the next post for more details.

We at CodeLathe, are proud to announce that the next generation of Tonido app for iPhone is now available on Apple Appstore.

This update supercharges the app by adding brand new functions and significantly improves earlier functions. And as always it is free!

The documentation for the iPhone app can be downloaded here

In order to use the app, you need to satisfy the following requirements

1. Tonido server version 2.25 or higher running in Windows, Linux or Mac or Tonido enabled devices such as TonidoPlug.
2. iPhone , iPod or iPad running iOS4.2 or newer

Some of the salient features of this update are presented below

Tabbed interface with search function:

The new explorer interface has been upgraded and now has thumbnail view,

Search functions etc has been added.


Clicking the detail button (on each row) shows the details regarding the file or folder and the various actions available for that item.

You can see the usual suspects such as “Share“, “Upload photo“, “Create new folder” etc in the action menu plus some new actions have made an appearance in the action menu, namely, “Add to favorites” and “Download to Phone” :)

Folder Detail view:


File Detail View:


Favorite link Support

The App can now access the Tonido Favorites feature and retrieve the files and folder that have been tagged as favorites


Updated Photo viewing

The photoviewer of the app has been overhauled and now provides thumbnail views and full screen views photograph with swipe and double tap support.



Over the air transfer of content to the device and access it offline

One of the most exciting features of this release is the ability download files or files of a folder to the device and access it offline! Simply access the detail view of a file or folder and tap the “Download file or folder” option to store it locally! Now that file can be accessed without network! Furthermore, you can also add files to Tonido app using iTunes by dragging and dropping.


Ability to launch downloaded documents with different applications (for example pdf files can be opened with iBooks)

One of the most requested feature is here! Downloaded files can be launched with other installed iOS application. Simply tap the “action” button on the preview page of a file to launch the list of compatible application to launch!


New Music player interface

New music player that is capable of playing files over the network or the files that are saved to the device is now available in the App.

Background play, Locked mode play etc are available as standard ofcourse!


Settings menu added to provide information of the service and control music streaming quality

Network access of songs can be problematic in spotty network conditions. Never fear, you can control the compression quality of the song being streamed over the network (This option was available in the earlier avatar of this app but was simply not well known to users). Files that are already downloaded to the device will be played at full quality of course :)

Also, Automatic network detection and use LAN IP in local networks for fast access is now active. This means, if you are connected in same network as the Tonido server, then local IP will be used instead of the relay in which data travels all over the world before reaching your phone :)


No Chump change !

All this functionality is provided free of course without any sort of catch. No Ads, No “use X times a month”, No fee and No Gimmicks.

We, however, do ask you to add reviews and ratings to the Appstore :) and let us know your feedback on how we can improve the app via our Forums.

It would also help if you spread the word!
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Win a TonidoPlug - Give your Comments & Feedback on Tonido iPhone app

Hi All,

I am part of the development team of Tonido iPhone/iPod/iPad app.

We value the comments and feedback of MacRumors community. Your comments and feedback will help us to make the Tonido iPhone app as one of the best in its category.

In return, we are offering 1 unit of TonidoPlug (Plug computer) to the most constructive feedback or comment. The contest ends on Feb 3/2011. This contest is exclusively for MacRumors forum users. Please leave your feedback in this thread.

You need to follow 3 simple steps to use Tonido iPhone app:

1. Install Tonido in your Mac/PC/Linux machine. Download Here:
2. Install Tonido app in your iPhone/iPod or iPad. The app is free and available in app store.
3. Enter your account name and password.

Thats It, Now all your important documents, favorite photos, music and video in your Home Computer is just 1 Click away.

For more information on Tonido Please visit:

For more information on TonidoPlug please visit:
Okay, here we go...I hope I get a free TonidoPlug

Installation: Pretty straight forward. I wish I can specify a custom location for installation. Not a big deal.

Access: I was able to access internally and from outside.
UI: Looks clean. Missing an edge, but very user friendly.
Music: Played all of my mp3's cool.
Sharing: It was easy. I wish I had alerts to people I shared, if the shared folder had any file change.

iPhone App is snappy. Music streaming is the schizzle!
A few of my thoughts about the Tonido ios app.

Ok, here are a few of my thoughts about the Tonido ios app.

I think it is great and really is essential for me to use the Tonidoplug since I spend most of my time away from home without access to my computer.

I think the functionality is great but the interface (GUI?) needs a little polishing to make the app more intuitive.

Here is what I would change:

1. On the login screen under the "Advanced" tab, the options for "Offline access only" should be "Yes or No" not "On or Off"

2. The "Home" screen should have a "Log Out" button in the upper left side of the screen. As a newbie I didn't know you had to go to the "Settings" screen to log out of the program and return to the first login screen. I think the "Switch" button in the upper right of the "Tonido Settings" screen should be renamed "Log Out".

3. The search bar should always appear by default on every screen. Users can always push it up if they don't want to look at it.

4. Users should be made aware that the search function isn't a global search function. In other words it is not like the "Spotlight" search on a Mac where you can search for every single instance of a word on my whole computer. Somehow you should make users aware that it functions more like a sort button - searching only what is on the current screen and not searching through subfolders. At first I thought there was a bug in the software when it wasn't searching through all of the subfolders.

5. I am not sure what the "x" button does on the music player.

6. One time I couldn't log back in after logging out. The server and passwords fields were greyed out and I couldn't type in them. I had to reboot the phone in order to login.

7. Using the app when the "Offline Access Only" button was turned on is somewhat buggy. When I would go to the "Favorites" or "Download" pages I would sometimes see a microscopic "Download File Not Found" error message in the upper left hand corner. Other times I would see a blank grey screen. It would probably be better to put a message like "Login To Access Favorites" so people don't think the app is malfunctioning.

Other than those minor issues I think this is a fantastic app. It is sort of a simple VNC for people like me who are not very tech oriented. I was really impressed how easy this app was to use and thrilled that I can finally access files on my computer when I am away from it. Thanks for such an impressive app.

Ok, here are a few of my thoughts about the Tonido ios app.

I think it is great and really is essential for me to use the Tonidoplug since I spend most of my time away from home without access to my computer.

I think the functionality is great but the interface (GUI?) needs a little polishing to make the app more intuitive.

Here is what I would change:

1. On the login screen under the "Advanced" tab, the options for "Offline access only" should be "Yes or No" not "On or Off"

2. The "Home" screen should have a "Log Out" button in the upper left side of the screen. As a newbie I didn't know you had to go to the "Settings" screen to log out of the program and return to the first login screen. I think the "Switch" button in the upper right of the "Tonido Settings" screen should be renamed "Log Out".

3. The search bar should always appear by default on every screen. Users can always push it up if they don't want to look at it.

4. Users should be made aware that the search function isn't a global search function. In other words it is not like the "Spotlight" search on a Mac where you can search for every single instance of a word on my whole computer. Somehow you should make users aware that it functions more like a sort button - searching only what is on the current screen and not searching through subfolders. At first I thought there was a bug in the software when it wasn't searching through all of the subfolders.

5. I am not sure what the "x" button does on the music player.

6. One time I couldn't log back in after logging out. The server and passwords fields were greyed out and I couldn't type in them. I had to reboot the phone in order to login.

7. Using the app when the "Offline Access Only" button was turned on is somewhat buggy. When I would go to the "Favorites" or "Download" pages I would sometimes see a microscopic "Download File Not Found" error message in the upper left hand corner. Other times I would see a blank grey screen. It would probably be better to put a message like "Login To Access Favorites" so people don't think the app is malfunctioning.

Other than those minor issues I think this is a fantastic app. It is sort of a simple VNC for people like me who are not very tech oriented. I was really impressed how easy this app was to use and thrilled that I can finally access files on my computer when I am away from it. Thanks for such an impressive app.


Hi Dan,

Congrats! You are the winner for TonidoPlug. Please send an email to to claim the prize.

Tonido Team
Tonido iPhone app now supports Airplay

Hi All,

With that latest update, Tonido iPhone app now supports AirPlay. So if you have any Airplay compatible devices like Apple TV or Danon music system you can stream music straight from your computer to the Apple TV using Tonido iPhone app.

We have also added a slew of other features like posting pics and links to facebook and twitter. For more info please check our blog post.

We are hopeful you will like the latest release of Tonido iPhone app.

Some screenshots:


Personal Cloud App Tonido revamped for iOS 7 - Access your media from anywhere


The Tonido app has gone through complete UI design makeover for iOS 7. We have also added support for AirPrint and Closed Captions for video.

Check it out and let us know your feedback.

App Page:

Tonido now brings brings free automatic backup of photos and videos to iPhones and iP

One of the most important features of public cloud services like Dropbox, iCloud etc is the ability to automatically upload photos and videos of the mobile devices without user intervention. This is a very convenient feature and knowing that your photos and videos are always tucked away in a safe location is a great feeling. Unfortunately, with the amount of photos and videos generated by the mobile devices, the storage size can balloon resulting in a) costly storage fee b) requiring constant management of images/videos to free up more space. Further, your personal photos are stored in a 3rd party server where your data privacy, security and ownership is a big question mark.

ALL that changes with Tonido, where you own your storage and is completely run and managed by you!

More Info here

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