I downloaded a 4gb folder of fonts and installed them into Font Book a few days ago. I've noticed After Effects crashing and Illustator has began to refuse to open.
If I open up Font Book it just hangs with the beach ball. I'm using a Retina MacBook Pro with 16GB of ram and didn't foresee this problem. I can remember having a large number from a similar source on my iMac without a problem.
What other apps could possibly resolve this issue? Or should I dig into the systems folder and go remove them manually.
If I open up Font Book it just hangs with the beach ball. I'm using a Retina MacBook Pro with 16GB of ram and didn't foresee this problem. I can remember having a large number from a similar source on my iMac without a problem.
What other apps could possibly resolve this issue? Or should I dig into the systems folder and go remove them manually.