I swear I haven't wanted anything as much since the iPhone. I think a lot of it is the Jeff Foxworthy "rednecks are attracted to shiny objects" thing. OK I'm not much of a redneck, but damn.
I opened up iBooks to start with, and it was like a very clear page looking at me. I'm still more of an Amazon Kindle app fan, but I'm wagering it's mostly the same deal. I've just been having trouble sticking with my books for more than a few pages at a time due to the very small device I'm holding. The extra space definitely looks great for an ebook.
Next I opened up a newspaper Web site and looooooved it. I mean that's how newspaper Web sites are meant to be read. This could truly save my industry since we went from very vertical sheets of paper to very wide computer screens. It's like the wheel was reinvented. Hopefully other tablet makers can do a decent job and the penetration will get to where we can make money on subscriptions and ads.
I only got a chance to check out the Star Walk app, and it was basically a bigger version of the one for iPhone. But it still looked great. I wish I could've seen more, but I think this device will be worth $500 for me -- at some point. I may have to wait until version 2.0, but this is a great-looking device.
I opened up iBooks to start with, and it was like a very clear page looking at me. I'm still more of an Amazon Kindle app fan, but I'm wagering it's mostly the same deal. I've just been having trouble sticking with my books for more than a few pages at a time due to the very small device I'm holding. The extra space definitely looks great for an ebook.
Next I opened up a newspaper Web site and looooooved it. I mean that's how newspaper Web sites are meant to be read. This could truly save my industry since we went from very vertical sheets of paper to very wide computer screens. It's like the wheel was reinvented. Hopefully other tablet makers can do a decent job and the penetration will get to where we can make money on subscriptions and ads.
I only got a chance to check out the Star Walk app, and it was basically a bigger version of the one for iPhone. But it still looked great. I wish I could've seen more, but I think this device will be worth $500 for me -- at some point. I may have to wait until version 2.0, but this is a great-looking device.