I really like finding little free/nearly free apps n stuff whilst looking through macupdate, so I thought it would be cool ask you guys what your top 5 little-apps-you-use that-you-really-like-and-your-mac-life-wouldn't-be-the-same-without-it. links to the apps' website would be cool too. I would have appreciated a thread like this when i was a newbie switcher so I thought others might like it too.
my top 5:
1. Clutter - best add-on to iTunes and it'll even get your album cover art from amazon to drag-n-drop to iTunes 4 now
2. Audio Hijack - brilliant for recording any audio from any other app
3. ClearDock - that extra bit of customisation for your dock's colourings
4. Mail Forward - means that I never have to check my webmail ever again!
5. Focus - nice visual addition to os x in that it displays a large version of the active window's icon. great for remembering which app/window you do have open, and nice to see your favourite icons in full 128 x 128 px
my top 5:
1. Clutter - best add-on to iTunes and it'll even get your album cover art from amazon to drag-n-drop to iTunes 4 now
2. Audio Hijack - brilliant for recording any audio from any other app
3. ClearDock - that extra bit of customisation for your dock's colourings
4. Mail Forward - means that I never have to check my webmail ever again!
5. Focus - nice visual addition to os x in that it displays a large version of the active window's icon. great for remembering which app/window you do have open, and nice to see your favourite icons in full 128 x 128 px