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macrumors member
Original poster
Mar 4, 2009
I am very close to buying the top end 08 iMac from
Is this going to be a good decision, as if i were to spend the same amount on a 09 iMac my thinking is that it the machine would be significantly worse.

Theres just something in me saying buying an out of date computer is not a good idea

For the money the '08 3.06 Ghz 24inch is great value from Macwarehouse.
We needed a second computer and wouldn't pay Apple's prices on the new models. My exisitng 3.06Ghz '08 model is fantastic and I feel no need to buy anything faster... as a result I've ordered an '08 3.06Ghz from Macwarehouse.
Top of the line 08 all the way unless you are willing to get the top of the line 09 which isn't much of performance in day-to-day except gaming :D
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