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macrumors 6502
Original poster
May 5, 2006
Duluth, MN
It seems I need learn to read a calendar better, I just realized our current challenge ends tomorrow at midnight. We need to discuss a new topic, but I will keep this thread open until we reach a consensus. Topics away...



macrumors 68020
Aug 12, 2003
At home
So maybe "elemental"?


I didn't want to go with pure elements - although we could, so I expanded it a little but couldn't think of a good word.

Maybe "Materials" ...... I've been studying biochemistry for several days non-stop and couldn't think of a scientific word for the topic I want .......:eek:

Designer Dale

macrumors 68040
Mar 25, 2009
Folding space
I like Elements. How about defining it as the natural elements? Earth, Wind, Fire & Water?

Since it's Spring, I can still kick my old buddy Colorful in here...


Designer Dale

macrumors 68040
Mar 25, 2009
Folding space
It's nearly closing time, folks. So far we have this to work with:

Elemental (No definition)

Elements: Earth, Air, Fire & Water (singular or in combination)

We have a general consensus, but we need to define it better.

The clock is ticking [__==:eek:==__]



macrumors 68020
Aug 25, 2006
Oregon coast
would old musical groups count for earth, wind and fire?

There was one subject I used for a weekly contest, but it was a bit of a bust because the concept wasn't explained too clearly... but I still like it, 'environmental portraits."
I like the other topics, too, especially for this week... but maybe one day we can revisit this topic, because it's got a lot of room for creativity...and storytelling. Think of it as an assignment to shoot a cover for a magazine, or a two-page inside picture heading up a feature article. Maybe it would take a lot of us out of our usual comfort zone, and produce some great images...

Here's the wiki definition...
An environmental portrait is a portrait executed in the subject's usual environment, such as in their home or workplace, and typically illuminates the subject's life and surroundings.

By photographing a person in their natural surroundings, it is thought that you will be able to better illuminate their character, and therefore portray the essence of their personality, rather than merely a likeness of their physical features. It is also thought that by photographing a person in their natural surroundings, the subject will be more at ease, and so be more conducive to expressing themselves, as opposed to in a studio, which can be a rather intimidating and artificial experience.

The surroundings or background is a key element in environmental portraiture, and is used to convey further information about the person being photographed.

Where it is common, in studio portraiture and even in location candid photography, to shoot using a shallow depth of field, thereby throwing the background out of focus, in environmental portraiture the background is an integral part of the image. Indeed, smaller apertures and more depth of field is commonly used in this type of photography. [2]

Details in the surroundings

While it is often true that the background may dominate the subject, this need not necessarily be so. In fact, the details that convey the message from the surroundings can often be quite small, and still be significant.The key seems to be in the symbolism expressed by various elements in the background, for instance, a baseball cap may not tell you much about your subject (unless he or she is a baseball player), but a chef's hat gives you a lot more detail about who he is and what he does.


macrumors 65816
Jan 16, 2009
Ok, just for the heck of it I'll throw in one more towards the end. I'm going to be spending a few days out in the woods by myself with nothing to do at night. (this is for fun, not hiding from the law). So I was thinking of Nightlife. Could be interepreted a few ways but mostly shots after sunset with articial light or no light, low shutter speeds.

Other than that I'm cool with elements I just wish we could refine it a bit. I think we might get a ton of landscapes and waterfall pics. Unfortunately, I don't have any brilliant ideas on how to focus it a little bit.

Designer Dale

macrumors 68040
Mar 25, 2009
Folding space
///I'm going to be spending a few days out in the woods by myself with nothing to do at night. (this is for fun, not hiding from the law). So I was thinking of Nightlife. Could be interepreted a few ways but mostly shots after sunset with articial light or no light, low shutter speeds.

Other than that I'm cool with elements I just wish we could refine it a bit. I think we might get a ton of landscapes and waterfall pics. Unfortunately, I don't have any brilliant ideas on how to focus it a little bit.

You seem to do this often. I don't believe you on the latter part...:cool:

This is what the Mac OS dictionary has to say for Element.

element |ˈeləmənt|
1 a part or aspect of something abstract, esp. one that is essential or characteristic : the death had all the elements of a great tabloid story | there are four elements to the proposal.
• a small but significant presence of a feeling or abstract quality : it was the element of danger he loved in flying.
• ( elements) the rudiments of a branch of knowledge : legal training may include the elements of economics and political science.
• [usu. with adj. ] (often elements) a group of people of a particular kind within a larger group or organization : extreme right-wing elements in the army.
• Mathematics & Logic an entity that is a single member of a set.
2 (also chemical element) each of more than one hundred substances that cannot be chemically interconverted or broken down into simpler substances and are primary constituents of matter. Each element is distinguished by its atomic number, i.e., the number of protons in the nuclei of its atoms.
• any of the four substances (earth, water, air, and fire) regarded as the fundamental constituents of the world in ancient and medieval philosophy.
• one of these substances considered as a person's or animal's natural environment (in his/her/it's element) : for the islanders, the sea is their kingdom, water their element | figurative she was in her element with doctors and hospitals.
• ( the elements) the weather, esp. strong winds, heavy rain, and other kinds of bad weather : there was no barrier against the elements.
• ( elements) (in church use) the bread and wine of the Eucharist.
3 a part in an electric teapot, heater, or stove that contains a wire through which an electric current is passed to provide heat.
• on some electric typewriters, a ball with raised letters that print when the keys are pressed

I see children learning; people at a rally; landscapes, seascapes, fire and such; swimmers,bikers, climbers, fisher folk and such; storms and a bunch of other possibilities.

Plenty of latitude for creativity as long as we remind people to think out of the box. That's part of the Challenge, right?



macrumors 65816
Jan 16, 2009
You seem to do this often. I don't believe you on the latter part...:cool:

LOL...I can neither confirm nor deny my own whereabouts.;)

Elements works. I plan on being in my element out in the elements. I suggest you post the definitions and examples you gathered with the new challenge. It will give folks more ideas.

No sunsets? What if I capture the world's greatest "kitten playing with flower during sunset" shot?:rolleyes:

Designer Dale

macrumors 68040
Mar 25, 2009
Folding space
This is what the Mac OS dictionary has to say for Element (edited).

element |ˈeləmənt|

• ( elements) the rudiments of a branch of knowledge
• a group of people of a particular kind within a larger group or organization
• any of the four substances (earth, water, air, and fire) regarded as the fundamental constituents of the world in ancient and medieval philosophy.
• A person's or animal's natural environment (in his/her/it's element)
• ( the elements) the weather, esp. strong winds, heavy rain, and other kinds of bad weather

Examples: children learning; people at a rally; landscapes, seascapes, fire and such; swimmers,bikers, climbers, fisher folk and such; storms and a bunch of other possibilities.

Plenty of latitude for creativity. Think out of the box. That's part of the Challenge.

I edited the definition. How about this?

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