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macrumors 6502a
Original poster
May 2, 2010
DenniZ said:
Personally I'd get one, i was a in a similar situation, the problem is, my mbp is a bit big ti carry around, but the iPad has a nice big screen and is portable. The iPhone will feel a bit small after using the iPad.

It's a in-between phone and ,laptop, but it's in-between them. Depends if you think you will use it enough, my MacBook doesn't even leave the table anymore.

I am also torn because tonight I went into BB to look at a Evo to replace my wifes 2 year old and pretty worn out non-smartphone. My wife immediately said she wanted it and left me to play with the demo.

Now I am wondering if I should be keeping my iPad...I want the Evo! But I love the iPad. I have been carrying it everywhere...even into grocery stores and restaurants. Took it to several doctor's offices was awesome. I want to mount it in the car. I am much more likely to go mobile with the wife and sit around and just wait on her. Today I worked out at the gym on a treadmil...and browsed a magazine...will need to go back and read a couple of articles that I could only look at the Picts and large captions while running. Next time I will try an iBook that allows super large text. But time flew by quicker than it ever has and I hate working out at the this was really cool.

I just want to be more efficient. I want my stuf online like docs and todo items and notes, etc. I am so frustrated with multiple devices and content everywhere.

Is there room for a Evo and an ipad? We would have to pay more except that right now, I am paying for unlimited 3G so if I dropped the iPad 3G, it might be pretty close. I had planned on staying on the $15 plan most of the time...but AT&T pulled the fast one of the century. I currently have a Palm centro with ok tethering through dial up (hey it works when there is no 3G).

If I get the Evo, what would be come of my iPad? I already sold my first week purchase of the wifi. Would I really sell my 3G pad after calling BB 5x per day for 3 weeks? I have used the iPad for 3-6 hours per day for almost 2 months now. But a lot of that time has been here on this forum...and in getting the devices setup...which both have been very time consuming.

Any thoughts?

I have an iPad and an Evo. I don't carry my iPad around as much as you do, so to me the overlap is not as bad as it is for you. That said, there will be some overlap / redundancy when you have two devices; that is unavoidable -- and to some extent good -- as you have a back up in case one fails.

Also, to me Evo is not really the right tool for reading anything that takes longer than say 5 minutes at a time. My job requires reading of annual reports 150+ pages long, so to me the iPad is the perfect tool for that. Same goes for web browsing beyond looking up something really quick. The Evo is really great for quick lookups/searches, especially with its voice search integration in practically all apps. Also, even though I'm reasonably OK typing on the iPad, Evo's swype keyboard has been a real surprise, and I find it easier to do quick emails/texts on it.

For navigation, I prefer the Evo to my 3G iPad simply because it is a lot more convenient to just have the device in my pocket with voice navigation rather than mounting the iPad every single time.

Similarly, for each of my daily tasks, both tools work, with one usually being better suited than the other. It's really a matter of personal preference when it comes to deciding which one is better suited. So some amount of redundancy is unavoidable.

That said, if I had to choose between the two, I'd pick the iPad and pair it with a dumb phone. For about 70% of my needs, the iPad is the better tool.

Hope this helps.
You take it to restaurants and the grocery store?! Wow. I have an iPad, iPhone, iMac, MBP and even I would not do that.
You take it to restaurants and the grocery store?! Wow. I have an iPad, iPhone, iMac, MBP and even I would not do that.

Same here, except that I have iPods rather than an iMac but yeah, the basic rationale is whether you buy the device to show it off or to satisfy your own needs.
Ipadq said:
I have an iPad and an Evo. I don't carry my iPad around as much as you do, so to me the overlap is not as bad as it is for you. That said, there will be some overlap / redundancy when you have two devices;

Similarly, for each of my daily tasks, both tools work, with one usually being better suited than the other. It's really a matter of personal preference when it comes to deciding which one is better suited.

That said, if I had to choose between the two, I'd pick the iPad and pair it with a dumb phone. For about 70% of my needs, the iPad is the better tool.

Thanks for the feedback! You make some good points. And I like your conclusion. Besides, part of the conflict is that the palm centro is already pretty smart. I do not feel that I have exhausted it's usefulness...yet. And I have always thought that it is better to be on the phone and have a separate device than only one device.

MeTHoD-X said:
You take it to restaurants and the grocery store?! Wow. I have an iPad, iPhone, iMac, MBP and even I would not do that.

Well that is my point, I certainly hope you wouldn't take your iMac to the grocery store. !)
Give up handyshopper?????? Are you nuts??????


Seriously, HS has no equal and why my treo stays in use as my dumb phone (no data). My Touch replaced it for all other things mobile, and Then the iPad replaced the touch for a few things.

I couldn't give up my iPad for a smartphone though.... I made the right choice for my needs.
I wouldn't swap my iPad for any smartphone I would buy a smartphone and a iPad though. In you position I would get both they do different jobs.
i bought my ipad for many reasons, one of them being to read comics...which i get time to do on the tube to and from work
I'm another one who says get both. The EVO won't play media content quite as well as your iPad--but is fantastic at everything else. Also, you mentioned the death of the unlimited AT&T data plan--the EVO can be used as a hotspot and a damn good one. Sprint is maintaining unlimited data on its devices so you'll be able to use that instead. When 4G comes to your city, the data speeds you'll get using your EVO + iPad will be far greater than what you'd get using the built in 3G AT&T data.

One more thing. Although you'll need to pay an extra $30 to use the EVO as a hotspot its not part of your contract. That means you'll be able to turn on and off as you need it month to month--just like the AT&T plans.
I wouldn't swap my iPad for any smartphone I would buy a smartphone and a iPad though. In you position I would get both they do different jobs.

His best bet would have been to keep the wifi iPad and tether the evo. Probably woulda saved a little money and it justifies carrying both devices.
My $0.02
Since I got my iPad 3G, I rarely use my iPhone. I also have my ipad with me everywhere. I use Bread & Milk for my grocery list. I use Beat the Traffic for my commute. I use Urbanspoon when I'm not sure where to eat. I browse the web when my wife is shopping or I am waiting for take out or I am at my local coffee shop.

Basically, my iPhone usage went from around 200-250MB per month to 6MB last month. I'm not even sure I would upgrade to the new iPhone next year when my upgrade eligibility is in place. I will be bumping down the data plans on the iPhones to the 200MB plan. I can't see spending the money for an unlimited plan when we are below 100 MB combined.

My wife is in a similar position with her iphone usage since I got her an iPad 3G. She, however, will still use it for some browsing since it is smaller and less obvious to use at work (she is in an elementary school).
i bought my ipad for many reasons, one of them being to read comics...which i get time to do on the tube to and from work

I bought an iPad as well, that doesn't mean I'm going to carry it around with me to the grocery store. That's a ridiculous thing to do. That's almost like bringing your MacBook to the grocery store. Are you saying it's normal to bring a laptop shopping with you?

Some people either have no common sense, or their so insecure they have to show off an expensive Apple product to look cool. Well I have news for you people who do that: people DON'T think you look cool! Very much the opposite in fact.
I bought an iPad as well, that doesn't mean I'm going to carry it around with me to the grocery store. That's a ridiculous thing to do. That's almost like bringing your MacBook to the grocery store. Are you saying it's normal to bring a laptop shopping with you?

Some people either have no common sense, or their so insecure they have to show off an expensive Apple product to look cool. Well I have news for you people who do that: people DON'T think you look cool! Very much the opposite in fact.

What is the problem if it provides some use for you?
You take it to restaurants and the grocery store?! Wow. I have an iPad, iPhone, iMac, MBP and even I would not do that.

I have stopped worrying about what I look like, only what will be useful. I like having my iPad with me a lot of the time.
I must admit that I'm somewhat hesitant to buy a new iPhone. I have the iPad 3G and can't wait for the multitasking so I can run Skype (or similar app) in the background. The real frosting on the cake for me will be when we can use a bluetooth headset for calls and I'd be one happy camper.

Maybe I'm getting way too cheap in my old age, but having both devices with essentially the same functionality seems like a waste of $100 or so a month for a cell phone plan for a few calls I might miss when I'm not near my iPad. As this regards the EVO, or whatever flavor of Android phone you are looking at, I think the value to expense will be the same and just won't add up in a couple of months.

Am I alone in thinking this way?

BTW my one reservation is that I'll be giving up always having a camera with me.
So if he puts his grocery lists on the iPad, that's wrong? My wife and I took ours furniture shopping to put notes in Evernote of the size, color, etc of furniture for our new house. Isn't the point of buying something like this to find it useful to YOU?

Take it grocery shopping if you want, OP.
So if he puts his grocery lists on the iPad, that's wrong? My wife and I took ours furniture shopping to put notes in Evernote of the size, color, etc of furniture for our new house. Isn't the point of buying something like this to find it useful to YOU?

Take it grocery shopping if you want, OP.

Exactly. A lot of us don't care what we look like anymore.
I'm almost 30 and could give two sh*ts what some 18 year old kid thinks of me.
I bought my iPad to USE it. Not have it be a fashion statement.
If I saw someone out in public with an iPad (still haven't seen one in the wild) I would think "oh cool, he's got an iPad." I'm not going to think down on them!?
I bought an iPad as well, that doesn't mean I'm going to carry it around with me to the grocery store. That's a ridiculous thing to do. That's almost like bringing your MacBook to the grocery store. Are you saying it's normal to bring a laptop shopping with you?

Some people either have no common sense, or their so insecure they have to show off an expensive Apple product to look cool. Well I have news for you people who do that: people DON'T think you look cool! Very much the opposite in fact.

You are revealing far too much about your own insecurities.

Dial back three years and you could easily say that anyone using the $600 iPhone in public was just showing off. Especially since it was a very limited device. Would you feel the same way now? I have spent most of my life not caring what others think of me.
Exactly. A lot of us don't care what we look like anymore.
I'm almost 30 and could give two sh*ts what some 18 year old kid thinks of me.
I bought my iPad to USE it. Not have it be a fashion statement.
If I saw someone out in public with an iPad (still haven't seen one in the wild) I would think "oh cool, he's got an iPad." I'm not going to think down on them!?

At 41, i care even less what some 18yo kid thinks.

People use what works for them.... everyone should worry more about themselves than other people anyway.
Keep it Apple, the evo is a plastic POS welfare phone. Only people who can't afford an iPhone buy evo's. The new iPhone will make the evo look like a toy.
His best bet would have been to keep the wifi iPad and tether the evo. Probably woulda saved a little money and it justifies carrying both devices.
My $0.02

I feel the same. The only reason I would get an EVO would be to use it to tether the WiFi iPad. I also don't see how people can really feel that they can replace an iPad with a smartphone, and vice versa. In my opinion, from the user experience these are two very different devices.
So if he puts his grocery lists on the iPad, that's wrong? My wife and I took ours furniture shopping to put notes in Evernote of the size, color, etc of furniture for our new house. Isn't the point of buying something like this to find it useful to YOU?

Take it grocery shopping if you want, OP.

+1 .....

Use it any way you want , who gives a rats azz what anybody else thinks ?
Well, for sure the $10 per phone per month has me turned off for the time being. Sprint is going to have to drop that crap.

Now just need to get my Centro working with my iPad via iBluever.

Thanks. Oh, and no worries, I have been feling more comfortable using it out and about...especially with some dr visits the past few days.
I originally got the EVO to tether 4g with my iPad but after a week with the EVO I find myself not even using the iPad anymore LOL I am finding there is alot more I can do with the EVO so If I could only have one I would definitely take the EVO but it is nice having both.

Good Luck with whatever you decide.
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