DenniZ said:Personally I'd get one, i was a in a similar situation, the problem is, my mbp is a bit big ti carry around, but the iPad has a nice big screen and is portable. The iPhone will feel a bit small after using the iPad.
It's a in-between phone and ,laptop, but it's in-between them. Depends if you think you will use it enough, my MacBook doesn't even leave the table anymore.
I am also torn because tonight I went into BB to look at a Evo to replace my wifes 2 year old and pretty worn out non-smartphone. My wife immediately said she wanted it and left me to play with the demo.
Now I am wondering if I should be keeping my iPad...I want the Evo! But I love the iPad. I have been carrying it everywhere...even into grocery stores and restaurants. Took it to several doctor's offices was awesome. I want to mount it in the car. I am much more likely to go mobile with the wife and sit around and just wait on her. Today I worked out at the gym on a treadmil...and browsed a magazine...will need to go back and read a couple of articles that I could only look at the Picts and large captions while running. Next time I will try an iBook that allows super large text. But time flew by quicker than it ever has and I hate working out at the this was really cool.
I just want to be more efficient. I want my stuf online like docs and todo items and notes, etc. I am so frustrated with multiple devices and content everywhere.
Is there room for a Evo and an ipad? We would have to pay more except that right now, I am paying for unlimited 3G so if I dropped the iPad 3G, it might be pretty close. I had planned on staying on the $15 plan most of the time...but AT&T pulled the fast one of the century. I currently have a Palm centro with ok tethering through dial up (hey it works when there is no 3G).
If I get the Evo, what would be come of my iPad? I already sold my first week purchase of the wifi. Would I really sell my 3G pad after calling BB 5x per day for 3 weeks? I have used the iPad for 3-6 hours per day for almost 2 months now. But a lot of that time has been here on this forum...and in getting the devices setup...which both have been very time consuming.
Any thoughts?