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Agent 21

macrumors regular
Original poster
Jun 27, 2009
I'm not asking how or where to get them, I already have the required programs and know what to do, and I know this isn't the place for that anyway.

What I AM asking is if there is a point to getting video files like movies/TV shows since MOST videos are mpg/avi and iPhone needs those converted in order to play? Is there another program that allows those file types to play? Seems like it'd be pointless to DL video torrents to the phone only to have to take them back off then convert them and put them back on, you could just DL 'em on a computer in the first place and it'd be much faster. If there is a way to watch the files right on the phone without converting them then video torrents would come in handy, if not it seems like torrents on iPhone are just useful for music, although those are all mp3, which the phone doesn't play either, so actually, what would the point of torrents be PERIOD now that I think of it?
First, before saying anything, if you torrent on AT&T, they will cancel your contract and force you to pay the ETF.

Torrents allow you to save stuff to your iPhone, then later SSH into it and drag out the file to your computer. I believe that's the main reason.
First, before saying anything, if you torrent on AT&T, they will cancel your contract and force you to pay the ETF.

Torrents allow you to save stuff to your iPhone, then later SSH into it and drag out the file to your computer. I believe that's the main reason.

AT&T doesn't cancel the contract or force you to pay anything extra. My friend is the one who told me about it and put the programs on my phone as soon as I jailbroke it and he's been using torrents on it forever. He downloads movies, TV show SEASONS, and full discographies (which he said don't always work because once you get past 350 files in the torrent it causes an error), and he's had AT&T since the day the 1st iPhone came out and has never been charged extra. I'm nit saying this in a jackassy tone so I don't want to come across that way because I do appreciate your reply, I'm just saying I know for a fact AT&T doesn't do that.

As for just DLing 'em to the phone only to SSH 'em to a computer, what's the point then? It'd be MUCH faster and more practical to just get 'em on the comp in the first place?

Thats taking it a little too far. You want to download/upload Torrents on your phone?:rolleyes:

Yes, I do, because I do an insane amount of traveling and will miss a lot of my favorite shows, and sometime I'm gone for a month or so which renders the DVR almost useless at it fills up quick and deletes older saved stuff, or doesn't record newer stuff, because it's full, so I'd like to be able to get some of those episodes via torrent while I'm traveling as I don't always bring my laptop and we can't just go to the TV stations website to watch the episode "on demand" like you can on a computer. I'm not saying I want to DL a bunch of movies and such, just want to use it for a few TV shows here and there.
How about getting a laptop and one of those aircards.
Users like you that abuse the phone data plan that bad is whats causing AT&T restricting us even more.
Im very surprised that they havent cancelled you or your friend for torrenting stuff over the iphone data plan.
Even though what kind of download and upload speed would you get and how many hours it would take to download videos or movies etc....
And then have to SSH every single file back to the home computer, its pointless IMO.

Yes, I do, because I do an insane amount of traveling and will miss a lot of my favorite shows, and sometime I'm gone for a month or so which renders the DVR almost useless at it fills up quick and deletes older saved stuff, or doesn't record newer stuff, because it's full, so I'd like to be able to get some of those episodes via torrent while I'm traveling as I don't always bring my laptop and we can't just go to the TV stations website to watch the episode "on demand" like you can on a computer. I'm not saying I want to DL a bunch of movies and such, just want to use it for a few TV shows here and there.
Yes, I do, because I do an insane amount of traveling and will miss a lot of my favorite shows, and sometime I'm gone for a month or so which renders the DVR almost useless at it fills up quick and deletes older saved stuff, or doesn't record newer stuff, because it's full, so I'd like to be able to get some of those episodes via torrent while I'm traveling as I don't always bring my laptop and we can't just go to the TV stations website to watch the episode "on demand" like you can on a computer. I'm not saying I want to DL a bunch of movies and such, just want to use it for a few TV shows here and there.

Why don't you plan ahead and download movies/shows to your laptop/desktop when you're not on the road?

Or buy DVDs?

Or just carry your laptop?:confused:
How about getting a laptop and one of those aircards.
Users like you that abuse the phone data plan that bad is whats causing AT&T restricting us even more.
Im very surprised that they havent cancelled you or your friend for torrenting stuff over the iphone data plan.
Even though what kind of download and upload speed would you get and how many hours it would take to download videos or movies etc....
And then have to SSH every single file back to the home computer, its pointless IMO.

good to see you read my post before bashing me. Had you read it, you'd have gathered that I have NEVER DONE IT and was asking what the point of it was. If it was a practical way to watch a few TV shows then yeah, I would have DLed a couple. Show me one instance where I said I was going to download mass amounts of huge files? In fact, I specifically said I DONT want to do that. I used what my friend does as an example to the first person saying AT&T cancels the contract, I never said I did that too, nor did I say I condoned it, so again, read things before you attack people with your self-righteous POV.

The entire point of the thread was to ask what the POINT of torrents on a phone were, which has been determined there ISNT one as you'd have to ssh them to a computer, thus should just get them on a computer in the first place, which I SAID already in a previous post.

Also, to the people saying "get a laptop", I already said I have one, and to the people saying DL a bunch of stuff before I got, I already stated I wanted to watch a few TV show episodes that I miss while I am gone for a month, meaning the show airs when I'm travelling, thus I cannot get burn them/pit 'em on a laptop before I go, again, all of this has been stated by me already.

the reson I don't just bring a laptop is because I do a lot of surf travel on boat trips where space is sometimes limited and when you have a bunch of people crammed on a boat with about 40 surfboards and everyone elses personal belongings things get cramped quick. Most of the time there is no Internet access, and the boats usually have a DVD player so a laptop isn't necessary. I could DL a couple tv episodes in the airports between travel and watch 'em during downtime on my phone, which is always with me anyway, instead of bringing a laptop. That is ALL I asked about until everyone decided to play "100% law-abiding citizen" on me and act like "people like me ruin things for everyone".

Gimme a break, a few half hour tv episodes take up no more data usage than people using MXTube or iMobileCinema to download any and every video they find online, or the people using Installous to download every app they can just because they are getting something for free that they are supposed to pay for. Or people using tethering on their AT&T phones when AT&T doesn't support it, or the "3G Unrestrictor" program that let's you can use things like Skype over AT&Ts 3G instead of having to be on Wi-Fi like AT&T specifically wanted. Nobody is going and ruining those peoples threads when they ask a question though, yet it's the same exact thing, all of it is data usage that AT&T didn't intend for in their data plan. He'll, jailbreaking PERIOD isn't what Apple intended there phone for, hence all of those Cydia apps not being in the App Store, but most everyone in this forum has jailbroken their phones, so again, save the self-righteousness for something you aren't being hypocritcal towards.

Again, had everyone READ the posts (and comprehended them) you'd have seen I was asking what the point of torrents on the phone were, not bragging about abusing data or asking for advice on buying a laptop/loading one up with stuff before a trip. People come to places like this to ask a question with the hope that people on the boards with a little more knowledge than they have can help them but when everyone starts slamming people it makespeople not even want to ask questions.
AT&T doesn't cancel the contract or force you to pay anything extra. My friend is the one who told me about it and put the programs on my phone as soon as I jailbroke it and he's been using torrents on it forever. He downloads movies, TV show SEASONS, and full discographies (which he said don't always work because once you get past 350 files in the torrent it causes an error), and he's had AT&T since the day the 1st iPhone came out and has never been charged extra. I'm nit saying this in a jackassy tone so I don't want to come across that way because I do appreciate your reply, I'm just saying I know for a fact AT&T doesn't do that.

As for just DLing 'em to the phone only to SSH 'em to a computer, what's the point then? It'd be MUCH faster and more practical to just get 'em on the comp in the first place?

Yes, I do, because I do an insane amount of traveling and will miss a lot of my favorite shows, and sometime I'm gone for a month or so which renders the DVR almost useless at it fills up quick and deletes older saved stuff, or doesn't record newer stuff, because it's full, so I'd like to be able to get some of those episodes via torrent while I'm traveling as I don't always bring my laptop and we can't just go to the TV stations website to watch the episode "on demand" like you can on a computer. I'm not saying I want to DL a bunch of movies and such, just want to use it for a few TV shows here and there.

Well I'm not sure about it myself but it was hyped up in a few articles about torrent ban on ATT wireless.

The only reason why I can think of for torrenting is being able to ignore port forwarding on routers, or if you can't open ports on the main router or something.
Well I'm not sure about it myself but it was hyped up in a few articles about torrent ban on ATT wireless.

The only reason why I can think of for torrenting is being able to ignore port forwarding on routers, or if you can't open ports on the main router or something.

Thanks for an actual, useful reply (your other one in this thread was the only other relevant, on-topic reply, I appreciate them). Like I said before, I wasn't trying to sound like a jackass, I was just giving an example. I wonder how they are enacting that policy since for one, they can't really just look at the DLed data, because some torrent users may only DL a very small bit while some non-torrent users can go nuts in Installous, MXTube, iMobileCinema. None of those are p2p but could produce more DL data than a torrenter, how would AT&T know the difference I'm wondering? Also, like I said before, my friend goes NUTS with torrents. I actually asked him after I made this thread what the point was and he said he searches for iPhone-specific files, like movies and music already converted. His 16GB 3G is almost full with torrented movies and music. I think he's only got a few hundred MB left cuz I know he was complaining about wanting the 32gb 3GS for more DL space. I don't know about AT&Ts methods for detecting/enforcing this, but I do know that my friend DEFINATELY uses a suspect amount of "unlimited" data and he most certainly still has a contract and no extra charges.
You need to stop beeing a baby.
Nor you or anyone else needs to torrent files on their phone no matter what excuses you try to make like I forget my laptop, my DVR at home is full or whatever.
You dont need to download your favorite TV shows while you're on a boat trip surfing in the middle of nowhere. Not only its impractical like it would take hours and hours trying to download a show over AT&T's network on your phone. Its like trying to empty a Pool with a straw, the iphones internet connection cannot handle that kind of traffic, its not FIOS internet. The iphone battery wouldnt even last long enough to download/upload all that data, nevermind trying to watch it after.
2nd the files are not compatible with the iphone, they need to be transfered out and converted to even play on the phone. 3rd do you think AT&T is that stupid and wont be able to tell what you're doing if you're connected to 100 peers at the same time?
4th of all its very inconsiderate to try to do that thru a wireless phone and slow down the network for everyone around you that wants to do simple things on their phone like check email or web browsing but probably wont be able to.
Its for nonsense like this that AT&T is comming down hard on iphone users and restricting everything on us. Im not saying that Im 100% law abiding citizen, far from it but lets not take it too far and push AT&T and Apple to the limit in order to find out how much they can regulate us.
Use some common sense instead.
For shows on CBS, there's Haven't tried it myself so I don't know how well it works. There may be other apps that do similar things if you search. I also know there are apps for jailbroken phones that say they let you download and watch tv shows, again haven't tried them myself, so I don't know if they actually work.
Applejuiced - again with a ridiculous post. I'll ignore the "baby" comment and reply to the rest:
1 - I don't "forget" my laptop, I CHOOSE not to bring it when it's a boat trip and not a trip where I'm staying in a place with Internet, I've said that THREE times now. Also, FYI, a TV show is a half an hr on TV, maybe 20mins after commercials are cut out. Double those numbers if it's an hour long show. Either way they can be EASILY DLed to the phone with plenty of speed/battery. Ask anyone who uses "South Park Mobile" or MXtube/iMobileCinema to download 30+ minute videos, works like a charm, on the 3GS anyway.
2 - you search iPhone files and voilà, results that are already converted.
3/4 - I have no clue how "stupid" AT&T is, but I DO know they've never caught my friend who clearly abuses this, and I know they've never done anything to the people who are tethering which they do not support/allow, nor have they done anything to all the people overriding the "WiFi only" things and using them on AT&Ts 3G network, all of which also takes away from users around them, but again, don't see you jumping all over those threads.

And again, I have NEVER DOWNLOADED A TORRENT ON MY PHONE. For the 50th time, this thread was started because I CONSIDERED it as a way to catch a few episodes of a show since there is no other place I knew of to watch 'em online that is iPhone compatible. Then I realized it is impracticle and started the thread to ask why people would even bother, so quit twisting my posts/words into something they aren't and selectively responding to things out of context.

Night Spring - thanks for the info, I'll look into that. If it doesn't work no biggie, I'm usually beat and just pass out at the end of a long day of surfing anyway, just thought it'd be cool if there was a simple way catch up on a few shows in my downtime, isn't much to do when stuck on a cramped boat. You'd think im Satan for wanting to do that though, by the way SOME people here act.
Lets not remind you who's the ridiculous one here that wants to show off infront of his surf buddys that he's torrenting with his iphone.
How long would it take to download a few GB's over 3G or Edge? Obviously a long long time and you'd have to leave the screen on while draining the battery thru 3G usage.
Just because AT&T hasnt caught or punished your friend it doesnt mean they wont if more and more people like you start doing immature things with their iphones like trying to torrent large files.
Tethering for email and websurfing in moderate use is far less than trying to download and upload to many seeds/leechers at the same time is way different and harmfull to a wireless network.
The reason you started this thread was because you were looking for a program to open the files unsupported by the iphone that you got or thinking of getting thru torrents.
Anyway do what you want but all Im saying is lets not push it and then we all get smacked down over some foulish actions of a few. We just need a little common sense and not going overboard with that unlimited data use were in reality is very very limited. Then AT&T is going to start shutting down ports and we'd only be left with safari and blury youtube working thru 3G/Edge thats all Im saying.
Look, I'm not going to keep arguing in circles. Think what you want, but I don't want to "show off in front of my surf buddies". For one, I said I'd DL them in the airports, not on the trip, and 2, a few of them are from other countries where their cellphones with their carriers do WAY more than ours with AT&T, so I wouldn't even be showing off to them, but think what you want.

And yeah, you're right, I started the thread to fond a program to play these torrents, you got me *rolls eyes* (that's sarcasm before you twist those words too)

Also, again, why you think TV shows are GIGABYTES is beyond me, they are like 150mb for a half hour show, but you know everything, as you've clearly shown throught the thread, so i guess even replying is pointless
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