There are currently 3 different variants of authentication on iPad. I've only owned a home button touch ID iPad (although I did test run the new iPad mini for couple weeks before returning). I've never tried Face ID on iPad. I feel like all have their pros/cons and I'm curious what the general consensus is on which is best. I actually really like my home button Touch ID, but I'm looking at possible options for my next upgrade. Please add your 2 cents and vote in the poll!
- iPad Home Button Touch ID:
- Pro
- Easy at a glance to see where/how you authenticate (and can use with mask)
- Con
- Requires fat top/bottom bezels
- Pro
- iPad Air/Mini sleep/wake Touch ID:
- Pro
- Allows larger screen/smaller bezels (and can use with mask)
- Con
- Can be difficult to know which corner the button is on at a glance (symmetry) and may require hand adjusting to unlock
- Pro
- iPad Pro Face ID
- Pro
- Allows automatic authentication without user input (and smaller bezels)
- Con
- Possibility of blocking camera while holding iPad
- Can't use with mask (getting better due to latest iOS updates)
- Pro