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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Oct 1, 2013
After nearly 10 years I have decided to upgrade and have ordered an M2 Macbook Air today.
However, I am very probably the clumsiest, most accident prone human on the planet.

With that in mind, as I will require only taking my laptop out of the house and off the desk maybe two or three times a week, what is the toughest most indestructible cases you are aware of on the market? Doesn't have to be sleek or pretty, don't even have to be able to open the laptop whilst in it, but has to be as tough and idiot proof as possible. Waterproof would be a nice bonus, or at least water resistance (have fallen into pools/off jetty's more than once in recent years).

Just to drive home the point, earlier this year I dropped my iphone on a tiled floor (in my defense had the choice of dropping my infant daughter or the phone and....). The phone was in an otterbox case with the extra belt clip covering the screen so should be safe? Nope, case smashed, screen smashed, back smashed, could still receive calls though. When I took it in to the Apple store to try and replace (thank you Apple Care), the genius bar guy seemed genuinely impressed at how much damage I had managed to do to the phone whilst in a case.

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