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macrumors regular
Original poster
Dec 7, 2014
My Mac Studio randomly wakes from sleep.
How can I track down WHAT makes it wake up?
Yes, I have disabled "wake on network access" before anyone asks.
Is there a command that I can type into Terminal to ask "mac, tell me what has awoken you from your slumber"?

I have Office and Adobe CC (ugh) installed so one of these could be the culprit, but COULD is not good enough.

Many thanks


macrumors regular
Original poster
Dec 7, 2014
That worked. I can now see my mac wakes for the same reason as other people's macs which is "NUB.SPMISw3IRQ" which is Apple's own silly darkwake waking script.

I dont WANT that, Apple. If I want the mac to sleep, I want it to sleep.
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