Since it is apparently glass (even though it does not look it, I do not know how), is there any coating such as oleobphobic coating on the TrackPad that might wear away with time? Do you think a film should be used on it?
Is the resistance you feel the same across the different areas of the trackpad? Do more used parts feel like they have more/less friction?I have had my current MacBook Pro for over four years and the trackpad looks brand new. I wouldn’t put a film over it, it could also impact the user experience.
I meant film as in a skin just could not remember they were called that. I do not know how the coating on the trackpad would not change with time affecting the feel. I put a few drops of water on the trackpad to test it and it seems almost like an oleophobic coating but not as slippery.Cleaning wise, just a microfiber cloth. You won’t notice any resistance change across the trackpad.
I do not think that is correct because water behaves strangely if drops of it are ın the trackpad.there is no coating, just durable matte glass - and it stays perfect.