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Abhay Bobby

macrumors newbie
Original poster
May 1, 2021
Hey, does anyone have an issue where a touch on the trackpad doesn't register the gesture, sometimes you might have to touch the second time to make it work, its not an all time issue but its noticeably present.
Give me a heads up if anyone facing this issue.
Working on a 16 inch MacBook Pro running macOS Monterey with no prior betas installed into the system



macrumors 6502
May 14, 2011
I have the same issue. It is so extremely annoying that I am planning to go back to Big Sur.

There is an Apple bug tracker ticket for this but Apple does not seem to be able to reproduce the issue (at least the three Apple devs who responded to that ticket). Which is odd because it happens on my MBP 16 Intel and MBP M1
This is really cumbersome because if they say it is not reproducible, it will not get fixed any time soon. :-(

Quality control at Apple is letting us down last couple of years. :-/


macrumors 68020
Jul 22, 2002
I'm having the same issue with my M1 iMac, sometimes I'll be using the track pad and it goes to the bottom left or it grabs a window and moves it. Also some times I have to re-click for it to work. Hope we get a point update to fix it. Also have an M1 MacBook Pro, don't use it as much so haven't see the same issues.

Mario Jad

macrumors newbie
Oct 1, 2020
Same thing happening here with my intel MBP 16". From the first day on Monterey, 1 out of 10 taps doesn't register so iv'e been using the "force click" more often than not. And sometimes the the cursor jump to the right where my wrist is resting, which never happened before. Wrist detection on Big Sur was never a problem for me.


macrumors 65816
Mar 23, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
Same here. 2017 27" iMac, with an older battery-operated Apple trackpad. VERY annoying. Interrupts the work flow. Why is Apple ignoring this?


macrumors newbie
Nov 27, 2021
Kings Lynn, Norfolk
Same happens to me , bought a brand new 14"MBP (now have to press touchpad 2/3 times to get it to recognise. was going to return it but won't bother if it won't fix it. Running Monterey 12.1 beta
I can't recall it doing it on my previous mbp


macrumors 6502
Feb 22, 2016
I've never thought of this as a "well spread" problem, but now I realize it is. Also experiencing the same problem with my M1 MacBook Pro.


macrumors newbie
Jan 30, 2013
It has to do with the force click functionality: if you configure "Click" in "Firm" level the "Tap to click" is more responsible. If you disable "Force Click" entirely, the "Tap to click" is fully responsible again.

I configured "Click" in light setting and the "Force Click" works almost like the "Tap to click" feature. Some times is a legit tap, sometimes is a click, but now I can avoid those "double clicks" because the tap thing was not working.

FYI "Click" setting is "Medium" by default and I was almost crazy with the double-tap-to-make-it-work behaviour too.

At least in my experience... I just read this somewhere else. Don't remember where. Maybe even in this forum. Sorry for not remember where.
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macrumors newbie
Jan 30, 2013
Not for me. ??‍♂️ I tried every combination of settings there.
Maybe a better/different hardware controller? Sorry to read that :(

My MacBook Air (with no force trackpad) works like a charm.

FYI: I can confirm that Monterey 12.1 beta 4 has not changed anything about this "bug" (?). Same exact behaviour so far.
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