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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Jun 17, 2006
Like a lot of people here, I am waiting for the meroms to come along. But I also need a laptop urgently. My PC machine broke down and I need something urgently. I am considering switching to Macs as a first time buyer.

I would like to know if Apple has a trade in program like Sony so I could buy a MB now and trade it in for a Merom MB later. If not apple, does any other store have something like this?
i know apple doesn't have any sort of program like that, and i've never heard of any others that do, either.

i think if you need a new laptop as much as you seem to, then you should just bite it and buy one now. yeah, something better with be out 3 months from now (or so the rumors have it), but isn't that going to be true of ANY computer you get?
xfiftyfour said:
yeah, something better with be out 3 months from now (or so the rumors have it), but isn't that going to be true of ANY computer you get?
That's definently true. The reason people don't do this for other companies is that they have a dump-load of models: stuff like D1654472642173jdu82739 is an example. And when they are upgraded, they're new model number is D1654472642173jdu82740, and nobody notices. Apple just has MacBook, other MacBook, and Black MacBook.

Yes its true for any technology we buy, something bigger and better is always around the corner. But Merom's are going to be out near September, along with Leopard. So, I think I will buy something then. As is, anything that I need will be expensive. Believe me, I have checked the deals on PC's and Mac pricing too.

Like I said, I will be a first time Mac buyer. I was pleasantly surprised by the fact the lower end PC's and Mac's aren't all that far apart. But the higher end gets you. That's why I want to wait a while before I drop the big dough and just get something functional for now.

But thanks for the reply.
xfiftyfour said:
Leopard out by September? uhm. nope.

Lol you would have said the same thing if someone said "intels in jan '06" in the summer of 05. Apple *may* suprise us again! :rolleyes:
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