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macrumors regular
Original poster
Oct 30, 2013
Hey everyone!

I have a specific ask today: I take photos with my Fuji and have been importing them into Lightroom on my iPad.

For an upcoming trip I need an alternative workflow as sometimes Lightroom doesn’t work perfectly. For this I would love to be able to connect my camera or the SD-card and an external SSD to the iPad at the same time. I then want to be able to transfer pictures from the SD-card straight onto the SSD, so that this works even if my iPad storage is filled.

To do this, I know I will need some kind of adapter, I heard something about a Hyper Drive? Can Someone point me at the right direction here? I am happy to spend money on this, but if not necessary I wouldn’t like to overspend on a 200€ Hyper Drive if a 55€ USB-C Hub from Anker does the same thing?

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