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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Oct 28, 2018
Long time reader of macrumors, first time poster.

So I'm trying to help my family member out. He had about 200 videos on his old Macbook that he transferred to his iPad (they went to his TV app). His Macbook decided to crap out on him and the Apple Genius bar said his data would be fine. When he picked up his computer, they couldn't save the data and said there was nothing they could do (which bothers me because I've been able to take data off many computers and wish I had a chance to try before he took it in-but it is what it is). So they reinstalled the OS and basically wiped his comp and it seems to be working fine again.

The issue is he wants to get a new iPad, but can't afford to lose the videos that are currently on his TV App. Is there a way (whether natively or via a 3rd party app) to transfer the videos from his iPad's TV App to his macbook?

Thanks in advance for the help!

BTW I searched in the forums (and google/youtube) for something similar but couldn't seem to find anything on this. I really hope I didn't miss something and it's been asked before.


macrumors 6502
Jun 16, 2015
Portland, Oregon
I would think that an app like iMazing could do this in a snap, though it is not a free solution. I believe that the free iMazing Mini utility can do a device to device transfer by doing a backup from current iPad, then a restore to new iPad. But he'll probably want to recover all the videos for safety, and I think you'll need the paid version for that.


macrumors 6502a
May 8, 2018
TV app is a replacer for old Videos app, right? In that case I agree with @flaubert. Download iMazing trial and check if you can see videos there (they should be in Videos dataset). Note that there are several subsets (Movies, TV shows, etc.), so make sure to check all.
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