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macrumors member
Original poster
Feb 10, 2006
So im about to install some RAM on my iBook and just to be sure (I know it has nothing to do with the harddrive) i want to send my itunes library to my pc as backup

my pc is setup as a server and i know how to just send it wirelessly, but is it faster if i use an ethernet cord between the pc and iBook, and if so how do i go about getting the itunes library off the mac from the pc.

(it's going to take 8 hours wirelessly !!!!!)

thanks a lot.
If your musics all on your iPod it's safe and you can use a program such as Senuti to copy it back in case of your Mac's hard driv failing.
so the iPod isn't an option, and the iBook doesnt write dvd's.
and all i know is that a direct ethernet connection is faster.

how does that work.
obviously, i hook up a cord betw. the mac and pc, but what do i do from there on both computers.
Okay, well plug the cable in and connect to the PC. You may need to turn your wireless connection off to ensure it doesn't take precedence.

In iTunes Preferences, make sure you have iTunes set to manage all your music files. Now, navigate to the Music folder and copy the iTunes folder across to the PC through your network. The iTunes folder should contain te following files and folder:
iTunes Music
iTunes Music Library.xml
iTunes Library
pcortez said:
so the iPod isn't an option, and the iBook doesnt write dvd's.
and all i know is that a direct ethernet connection is faster.

how does that work.
obviously, i hook up a cord betw. the mac and pc, but what do i do from there on both computers.

Are you hooking the two computers directly together? If your not going through a router you'll need a cross-over cable.
yes, i'm hooking the two computers directly.

so, after hooking them up with an ethernet cord and turning off airport, do i open up the mac hd, click on networks, and my pc should be there? [mind, i set up my pc as a server, but it only connects to the internet wirelessly] then just drag over itunes music folder?

cuz that's what i'm trying, and i dont see my computer

sorry, if i need step-by-step instructions, but i really do appreciate the help, guys.
mad jew said:
I thought all modern Macs had adaptive ports and therefore a regular cable is fine. :)

Interesting... I didn't know that.

pcortez said:
yes, i'm hooking the two computers directly.

so, after hooking them up with an ethernet cord and turning off airport, do i open up the mac hd, click on networks, and my pc should be there? [mind, i set up my pc as a server, but it only connects to the internet wirelessly] then just drag over itunes music folder?

cuz that's what i'm trying, and i dont see my computer

sorry, if i need step-by-step instructions, but i really do appreciate the help, guys.

Your network card could be disabled in Windows. You can reactivate it by going into the control panel->Network connections and then right click your device and then click enable.

Also, you are sharing out a folder right?
sharing out a folder?

From my pc, i am. I have no problems accessing it from my mac wirelessly, but i can't do it directly. But i'll try reactivating my network card later this afternoon. thanks
Once you are sure everything is activated, open the command prompt in windows and type "ipconfig" to get your Windows IP address. Now on your Mac, you can Command+K and then type that address into the window to connect to the PC; your PC may show up under network in the finder, but I'm not too sure on that. I have never transferred files this way, so I'm taking a guess here but it should work...
okay guys,

im starting to think my ethernet connection on my PC isn't installed or working (seeing that it is a PC and has crashed and been reinstalled numerous times). i can see the wireless connection under networks, but not the regular lan connection which should have a big red X over it seeing that nothing is plugged into it.

but anyways, i don't think this is gonna work. looks like im going to have to suck it up and send it wirelessly for 8 hours, since i dont have a dvd burner on the iBook.

thanks for the help, hopefully this thread helps someone out in the future.
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