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macrumors 65816
Original poster
May 31, 2006
New York
My grandma has a really old Mac that she used to do a bunch of geneology and writing on, and it still works great to this day (I remember using it at least 8-9 years ago as a kid). One problem though, is Word won't open on the computer, and it asks for the installation disk. We don't have it anymore, it was lost somewhere over the course of nearly a decade.

After I got my MacBook, my dad asked if there were any way to easily transfer the word files to my computer to save them. Her computer was made pre-USB days, so is there any easy way to access her computer with mine (without internet)? My dad plans on getting rid of the computer but wants to at least save those before (I may end up taking it off his hands :p , but it'd still be nice to have backups of all of my grandmas work).
Got a little confused there, sorry, but I think you're wanting to get files from an older Mac onto a newer one, right? We'll need to know what the older Mac is first off. I think a network will probably end up being the easiest option. Does it have an ethernet port? :)
I'm not sure of the exact model, but I'm pretty sure it doesn't have an ethernet port. I can try to find the exact model, sorry I was confusing.

EDIT: I am like 90% sure it is a Performa 5200. I can try calling again later and confirm.
Don't worry, you weren't confusing, I'm just perpetually confused. :p

Okay, well I'm not sure if it has an ethernet port, but if it does you should be able to just use an ethernet cable to set up a small network between the two and transfer the files that way. Alternatively, you may be able to remove its hard drive and put it in an external case, and then attach it to the new Mac. :)
do you have a usb floppy drive? you could just put the old documents on floppies and open them on the new macbook with an external floppy drive.
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