This is very much the case. 10.3.3 as generally released is build 7F44. The version on the new Powerbooks is 7Gxx. (Played with one at the Apple store).Eple said:Running CCC could mess up the system because its two different mac models.
crazzyeddie said:What you want to do is use CCC to clone only your Users folder. The system might have unique software/configuration for the Powerbook, but the Users folder contains only info for your user. Simply dragging stuff over won't work because things like your Keychain are protected from that for security. I have done this and it works fine.
acrobat said:i think i'm going to get myself a new Powerbook. however, i want to know what the best way to transfer all my files and settings to the new computer would be. is there a program that does this?