I was checking around the forums but was unable to come up with the solution I was looking for.
I will be selling my ibook and purchasing a new macbook in a few weeks and I'm unsure of how to transfer what I need from my cuurent system to the new one. I have read about using migration asistant and target disk mode but I will most likely have to do fresh install on the ibook and have it transfered to the new owner before I purchase the macbook. Tranfering applications, photos, and music will be a simple enough of a task since I use an ipod as a portable drive but my main concern is os settings. I not sure how to transfer things like network settings, keychains, and itunes peferences like playlists/podcast subscriptions. I would rather not have to manually set all of this back up, especially the network setting/passwords. Are there files I can copy then import into the new system? Could I make a copy of the HD onto one of my blank ipods then use tagret disk mode with it?
Any advice would be appreciated. Thanks
I will be selling my ibook and purchasing a new macbook in a few weeks and I'm unsure of how to transfer what I need from my cuurent system to the new one. I have read about using migration asistant and target disk mode but I will most likely have to do fresh install on the ibook and have it transfered to the new owner before I purchase the macbook. Tranfering applications, photos, and music will be a simple enough of a task since I use an ipod as a portable drive but my main concern is os settings. I not sure how to transfer things like network settings, keychains, and itunes peferences like playlists/podcast subscriptions. I would rather not have to manually set all of this back up, especially the network setting/passwords. Are there files I can copy then import into the new system? Could I make a copy of the HD onto one of my blank ipods then use tagret disk mode with it?
Any advice would be appreciated. Thanks