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macrumors member
Original poster
Feb 1, 2009
Wrote a simple app. works well on how do we transfer the app to iPod and what do we transfer?

In the "Products" folder i have a file "" and in "Executables" i have a file "ApplicationName".

Just clicking "Build and Go" enough

Or we have to transfer something else.

I have the iPod which is already jailbroken.

What method is used to transfer the app...

Did you read the documentation about how to develop for iPod touch/iPhone? All nicely explained! of ways mentioned is to going through the app store way....

though i do not want to go that now...just want to test a few apps on iPod...

installed Cydia on my iPod...but there it shows me to install the apps that are with do i get my apps running on my iPod with help of cydia...

--> I am still not a "iPhone developer"

If installing personal apps is not possible....then how do other developers test their apps on the phone before publishing.

amal do other developers test their apps on the phone before publishing.


I'm guessing that most of us do it the Apple-sanctioned way -- by paying the $99 or $299 fee to enter the Developer Program.
If i go the apple way and become a member of Apple Developer Program...will i be able to ( or can i constantly ) test my apps on my iPhone/iPod Touch without first submitting it to Apple..

In one of the links on net...found that the only way to download your app to your phone through cydia is to add your app to one of the cydia repositorys....but found no link to any of the repositorys wherein i can add my app....

What would be the way out?

If i go the apple way and become a member of Apple Developer Program...will i be able to ( or can i constantly ) test my apps on my iPhone/iPod Touch without first submitting it to Apple..
Most definitely. You don't submit to Apple until you're ready for it to go to the App Store. Plenty of opportunity to test on a real device before that.
Thanks for that confirmation.....

What about the Cydia can one add it's app to one of the cydia repository's...

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