Just wondering... how do you transfer all of your files/ music/ photos/ videos/ etc. on to your new Mac? Is there some cord you need to plug in to transfer everything, or should I go to the local Apple Store and have them do everything?
The Apple Store can do it for you if you ask them to! But you could also get yourself an external harddrive & use Time Machine & Migration Assistant.
In the long run, getting an external harddrive is essential! Especially if you're planning on sticking with Apple for a while. That way you can always transfer your stuff from one Mac to another with ease.
I did it myself, pretty easy.
When my new iMac came 4/16/10 I plugged it in and it asked me as part of initial set-up.
I had choices, one was via network which mine was.
(hardwired gigabit)
Since new iMac is on 2nd floor and "old" Mac in basement, easier than moving either one.
It moved 660GB of data, took like 6-8 hours over the network, did it at going to bed, done when woke up.