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Herman Hamm

macrumors newbie
Original poster
Jan 1, 2018
Bellingham, WA
Hi everyone,
I have a new iPad IOS 10.3. I have been sent some photos as attachments in an email via Gmail. I would like to transfer them to the iCloud of my iPad. Can anyone offer suggestions on just how this is done? All comments and past experiences shared are very appreciated. Herman
if you use the apple mail app and add your gmail account you can then long press on a picture.

form there you can save the photo to your camera roll which depending on your settings may be synced over iCloud.


you might be able to long press and add to iCloud Drive. I know you can add to Files in iOS 11, but don't have a iOS 10 device to test on.
Thank you, mlemonds, for that suggestion. We can try that. Are you saying that by signing in to apple mail ( is that the same as the iCloud mail?) = are you saying the gmail account is added as an account to the apple mail? Herm
you can add the gmail account in the settings. unrelated to an apple mail account, but it will use the app that came pre-installed on the iPad.
I was incorrect in the IOS version - it is 11.2.2 (probably the latest). Does that give you any ideas - since you probably have something running close to that. Thanks again for your time and help on this. Herm
Yes, so go in the settings app, then to the accounts & passwords section and on the right side of the screen click to add an account.

Add your gmail account here.

Your gmail will sync with the mail app that came on the iPad. You can then click on a message that contains images and when you long press on an image, the pop-up menu will give you the option to either save the image to your Camera Roll (Save Image) or saving it to iCloud (Save to Files)

Hope this helps.
The gmail account was added in set accts/paswword section of settings, A gmail msg with a jpg photo I used. I put my finger on the jpg and pressed for a long time but nothing happened, This is on my iPad running IOS 11.2.2 Any ideas? My appreciation for your attention to this little problem.
On the right track. See if this helps. Hold your finger on the photo just long enough to see it lift up a little. Release and the pop up should appear.

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