Ok, so I can't use the migration manager, but I can get to the files - and just moving the mail folder in the library folder isn't going to do it - any one have any ideas?
Blackheart said:~/Library/Preferences/com.apple.mail.plist
Mr. Anderson said:That was the one - but then I had to find my damn passwords
Blackheart said:That that I know of. Unless, of course, you want to transfer other applications' preferences.
Those should all be in your old login.keycain... open that with Keychain Access, find the mailservers in question... (and all other passwords you might have saved (outside Firefox)).Mr. Anderson said:That was the one - but then I had to find my damn passwords
Blackheart said:Try copying over:
EGT said:Just for future reference, does the .plist contain settings for your toolbar and fonts?
Blackheart said:As far as fonts, what do you mean? Fonts and font prefs are kept in different places in your system.
EGT said:Sorry, the font preferences. The mailbox font, message list font etc.
When I had to install a new drive, it took me about 4 days to get the Mail and Safari fonts the way I wanted it. I thought I was was going to go nuts. The settings would have been backed up too but I always do everything the hard way.