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macrumors member
Original poster
Nov 5, 2012
Saudi Arabia
Hi all,
I live in Yemen and I have 2 apple ID, a Yemeni Apple ID and a US apple ID. I did that because the US apple ID has an access to much much more books on the iBook store, much more apps on the US App Store and many music & movies on the iTunes (since we don't have iTunes store for Yemen)

I would like to know how can I transfer a money or from my Yemeni Apple ID to my US apple ID so i can buy books, apps and music since my account information is associated to my Yemeni ID.

Looking forward to hearing from you soon.

Thanks in advance
Have you thought about buying US iTunes Gift Cards and then applying that to your US iTunes account?

Is there a way of buying iTunes card and top up my US Apple ID with it without the need of shipping address?

As here they sell the $10 ITunes card for $20, which I think it's un fair ..
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