The iPad is a device that is loved and used extensively in our household, in house and at university. However this is done by two users. And frankly I find it cumbersome to constantly relog most of the websites, forums, social network sites etc. Seeing as the device is used on a pick-me-up bases for most of the time, I want this time to flow by as smoothly as possible. Also when using it to take notes in different classes or meetings, files get easily cluttered and lost when used by two people.
Are there any rumors flying around for a multiple user setup in a future iOS version or update?
And before anyone suggests; Yes I would love to own my very own iPad but that will have to wait until the inevitable update.
Are there any rumors flying around for a multiple user setup in a future iOS version or update?
And before anyone suggests; Yes I would love to own my very own iPad but that will have to wait until the inevitable update.