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macrumors 68040
Original poster
Mar 24, 2006
I apologise if this thread is in the wrong forum please move it if necessary. I was wondering if it possible to transform Windows into a Mac OS? Like I found a visual style that has kind of turned it into looking like a Mac OS but is it possible to get the toolbar at the bottom of the screen etc? Thanks for your help :)
Cheers I will give it a go. I want to transform my PC a Mac as much as I can (well without actually buying one :p)
Those articles are kind of outdated and a lot of it is no longer good.
Right now, FlyakiteOSX is probably the most used and hassle free conversion. Also, osx-e is the complete source of everything you can imagine to get it looking like a mac.

I'm gonna try this rihgt now, I wanna get used to OSX type thing before I get my Mac. Can I uninstall it without a hassle and also, wh t parts should I install?
khisayruou said:
Those articles are kind of outdated and a lot of it is no longer good.
Right now, FlyakiteOSX is probably the most used and hassle free conversion. Also, osx-e is the complete source of everything you can imagine to get it looking like a mac.


Wow, that site's freaking impressive... to be honest though, I can't believe this stuff runs very smoothly. Windows is buggy on it's own, without trying to completely change the interface with third party software.
aaron.lee2006 said:
I'm gonna try this rihgt now, I wanna get used to OSX type thing before I get my Mac. Can I uninstall it without a hassle and also, wh t parts should I install?

It doesn't really give you the osx experience, it simply gives you the look.
Just read up on the readme supplied, there is an uninstaller included in it which will also allow you to remove some of the programs if you latter decide you do not want it, but like anything in windows, things can go wrong.
Mojo67821 said:
Wow, that site's freaking impressive... to be honest though, I can't believe this stuff runs very smoothly. Windows is buggy on it's own, without trying to completely change the interface with third party software.

It doesn't run smoothly at all, there are lots of sacrifices you are going to have to make for it to look like osx. A lot of the programs take a large amount of your ram. There is also a ton of customization you are going to have to sit down and work through, but flyakite does simplify the majority of it.
Mine nearly looks like a mac except I cant find a mac objectbar theme :( Does anyone know where I can download one?
Other than my objectbar theme which still has XP icons it looks like a Mac. (If anyone has the objectbar theme of mac please let me know)
Now if only I knew how to move icons into other positions. Wont let me :( anyone know?
viccles said:
Now if only I knew how to move icons into other positions. Wont let me :( anyone know?

Not sure what's the right name on english systems - right click on the desktop, click on "Sort files >". There should be an option called "Automatically sort", or something like that. :p Just disable.
Before I had a Mac I used FlyakiteOSX, and all it did was make my Windows computer look like a crappy Mac. Doing stuff like this just changes the look of Windows and in no way "prepares" you for using a Mac. It may look a little bit more like a Mac, but it's still Windows with a dock.
I tried flyakite for kicks a few years back, and it totally messed up my PC. I wouldn't recommend that.
Fun, but not too practical...

I just installed FlyAKiteOSX to my PC and, while a neat little trick - it really does take away from the functionality of a few programs. I can't get my Microsoft Office programs to launch out of the dock, and, while all of my Office programs have Mac-like icons, Word doesn't have it's own icon at all. It doesn't even have the Windows version.

My only main problem with it (and this is nitpicking), is that it uses the Apple logo everywhere...which is a huge misrepresentation of a WinXP PC running FlyaKite - far from an Apple.

Can't wait until my iMac ships in so I can have the real thing!
Yeah, I've used themes and such, but it really doesn't do OS X justice. So all I do is the following... Put commonly used icons down in the center of the screen (like the dock). The trash can is in the lower right corner. The Taskbar is at the top (though some programs won't respect it up there :mad: ) I've got the Mac HD icon for my hard drives and a few other customized icons.
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