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macrumors 6502a
Original poster
Jul 17, 2002
Any experience and advice on transitioning from a Mac Pro with internal SATA drives to a Mac Desktop without user accessible internal drives?

My 2008 Mac Pro is sadly past it's prime and I've been looking into options to replace it to use for storing/editing photos/videos as well as normal household things like surfing the web, paying bills, doing taxes, watching videos, etc. My before dream was an affordable (haha) updated Mac Pro with space for internal drives, but I am accepting the fact that the affordable part won't happen.

Whether it's the Mac Studio or iMac, it seems like I will need to figure out how to transition from internal drives to storing large files such as videos/photos on an external drive. For those that have already transitioned from internal to external drives or have experience in this area, what did you do?

Is an external enclosure to put my existing drives into a way to go?
Would it make more sense to just get new external drives?
What setup are people using?



macrumors 601
Sep 19, 2012
10Gbps USB-C multi-drive housings are the easiest and cheapest way to get MP5,1 internal SATA storage onto another machine.

Been using this one personally with SATA SSDs for awhile with an iMac19,1 without issues. 2.5 drives just need an adapter to 3.5 size.

NVMe would require adapters. Depending on usage, might be worth using a PCIe expansion box if it’s 4+ blades in an adapter.
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