I have a locked file i can't get rid of. It's killing me. I can't unlock it. Does anyone have a remedy?
Have you done a get info on the file and clicked the unlock toward the bottom?
Do you know how to use terminal?
I have had files held by the ReadyNAS when I lost connection. My NAS reboots every night so it usually lets it go after the reboot.
In the odd case, you can use terminal
When you mount the ReadyNAS it will show up in finder. For instance, mine is called media.
If you open up terminal, you can
cd /volumes/media ** sets your default directory to the media directory on the NAS
pwd ** shows your current directory
** Keep using cd (change directory) to navigate to the correct directory and type
ls -l <filename>
you should see your file and who owns it. i.e.:
-rw-r--r--@ 1 michael staff 11719398 Aug 17 2008 rrIRCHA08Sat-01-MarcusKim-DannySzabo.wmv
chmod 777 rrIRCHA08Sat-01-MarcusKim-DannySzabo.wmv
ls -l will reveal:
-rwxrwxrwx 1 michael staff 11719398 Aug 17 2008 rrIRCHA08Sat-01-MarcusKim-DannySzabo.wmv
Then type in
rm -fv rrIRCHA08Sat-01-MarcusKim-DannySzabo.wmv
That should get rid of the file.
Sorry it took so long to get back to you, I've been busy all day.
If you type
cd /volumes
ls -l
That will list all the mounted drives you have. These are the same that you see in the left pane in the finder window when you mount your readyNAS. I gave you an example using my ReadyNAS which I called media.
You need to keep using the cd command until you get to the directory where the locked file is. Then you run the chmod and rm commands on that file.
You just need to use your filenames (the ones you quoted or where it says <filename>).
Your close. You just need to cd to the directory you listed.
1. cd /volumes/HDB/PREVIOUS_G5/HD1/System/Library/CoreServices/
2. ls -l
3. chmod 777 <filename>
4. rm -f <filename>
** One last thing, if the file ends up with root ownership, you may have to do this before you delete the file:
ls -l
rwxr-xr-x 1 root admin 1 Apr 5 14:04 myfile
chown KM:staff <filename>
ls -l
rwxr-xr-x 1 KM staff 1 Apr 5 14:04 myfile
rm -f myfile