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macrumors 68020
Original poster
Apr 12, 2005

I am about to go on a trip outside the country for 10 days, I don't have the room to bring along all my gear but i was wondering what i should take.

I was thinking to bring my Canon XT body, my 1D is too bulky/heavy imo. For lenses i was thinking to bring a 28-105mm lens, not sure what that would convert to with the XT crop factor though?

I am thinking to use the XT's onboard flash, but debating whether or not to bring my EX 430 Flash.

Lens wise i also have a 75-300mm IS lens, a fisheye UltaWide, 18-55mm S, 22-55mm. Should i bring any other lenses, or is there a better choice than the 28-105mm that i am thinking to bring?

Weight is the big factor, this will have to fit in a carry on with my MBP and other items to keep me entertained during the flight. I will also be carrying this around a lot.

Does anyone know if the scanner will erase my CF card? I haven't had bad luck with the ones here in CA, but i usually ask for a hand search (not sure if they do this anymore?). I have 2 Microdrive CF cards, would it be wiser to buy a couple solid state CF cards and leave the Microdrives at home?



macrumors 65816
You know, for what it's worth, your 18-55 (I'm assuming that that is your kit lens) will be your best all-around lens. A 28 to 105 translates to a 42 to 158, which just wouldn't be wide enough. That, and the 18-55 is likely to be cheapest lens you own, so if something hapens to it, it won't be that big of a loss. You also mentioned the weight, and this is likely your lightest lens.

Scanners will no do anything to your CF or microdrive cards. Don't worry about that.

Have fun on your travels.


Moderator emeritus
Jul 19, 2002
I am about to go on a trip outside the country for 10 days, I don't have the room to bring along all my gear but i was wondering what i should take.
It might help to know where you are going to visit and what kind of pictures you want to take.


macrumors 68020
Original poster
Apr 12, 2005
It might help to know where you are going to visit and what kind of pictures you want to take.

I'll be in Tokyo, Kyoto, Osaka, & Nara. I'll be taking mainly landscape/cityscape photos, some night photos but mainly during daylight hours as I am usually uneasy about carrying expensive equipment around my neck after dark.


Westside guy

macrumors 603
Oct 15, 2003
The soggy side of the Pacific NW
I'll be in Tokyo, Kyoto, Osaka, & Nara. I'll be taking mainly landscape/cityscape photos, some night photos but mainly during daylight hours as I am usually uneasy about carrying expensive equipment around my neck after dark.

I think you have to take the 18-55 - it's not super-wide, but it's your widest lens. 28-105 will not be wide enough (but you'll probably want this lens as well). There's a bit of overlap there, but if it were me I know 55 would not be enough of a zoom for some shots.

Definitely use the XT body.

If you had tons o' money I'd suggest buying the 10-22, and carrying that with your 28-105. :D I've heard the 10-22 is amazing. I have no idea if that's even compatible with the 1D though, which is a negative.


macrumors 68040
Feb 17, 2003
with Hamburglar.
Unfortunately, the 10-22mm is not compatible.

The 28-105 is a good wide to medium range lens. Take something longer too if you have it.


macrumors 68040
Oct 23, 2006
I'll be in Tokyo, Kyoto, Osaka, & Nara. I'll be taking mainly landscape/cityscape photos, some night photos but mainly during daylight hours as I am usually uneasy about carrying expensive equipment around my neck after dark.


Normally I wouldn't say anything, but Japan is really safe. A lot safer than England and Europe anyway...


macrumors regular
Oct 13, 2005
Hi, urban Japan is safe at night, even with photo gear.

You'll need the 18-55mm lens to get decent wide angle shots. Then maybe add the 28-105mm for the telephoto end. Or the 70-300mm. I used to carry several primes but these days I've simplified my kit to 17-35mm and 70-200mm f2.8 zooms. I don't miss the 35-70mm gap (52-105mm effective). On an upcoming trip, however, I'll take a lightweight 105mm f2.5 manual lens just for portraits.

Unless I was shooting on an assignment that required me to post-process then submit images during the trip, I prefer to leave the laptop at home to save weight. I currently use an Epson P-2000 (now P-4000) to offload images from my CF cards during the day. It's small, lightweight, has a gorgeous color display and doubles as a media player in a pinch.

Enjoy your trip! :)


macrumors 68020
Original poster
Apr 12, 2005
I think he meant it's not compatible with the FF 5D.

Yup, it wouldn't be compatible with my EOS 1D.

Thanks all for the advice, I just ordered a Tamrac Adventrure 9 bag so i should be able to pack my strobe and 2 lenses just fine.. Along with my MBP and some extra junk like my PSP to keep me company on the long plane ride :)

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