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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Aug 8, 2006
Hi there,

I sailed to Antarctica on Dutch tallship Europa last december (see the Antarctica-section on my website: ) and sold my images and articles on this trip quiet good. I am now planning to do a similar trip on the same ship again. This time however the trip will be all the way from Argentina via Antarctica to South Georgia, Tristan da Cunha and South Africa.

My aim now is to get a coffeetable photo-book published on these spectacular trips. And my question is simple: can anybody recommend internationally oriented publishers of photobooks that might be interested in this? Antarctica of course is 'hot' and these trips certainly give a different
angle of view compared to the 'average' ones with cruising-style big ships that 99% of the visitors to Antarctica book.

Any advice welcome,

T. Heslenfeld
the Netherlands

PS Like my work? Any link, recommendation etc. is welcome, thanks!


macrumors G4
Aug 2, 2004
Wish I could offer some advice on the publisher end of it, but I did want to mention I took a look at the photos on your site, and the selection you have is quite impressive. Sounds like it will be quite an adventure for you on this next trip.

Good luck!


macrumors 6502
Aug 7, 2003
Congrats for the images on your site and best wishes for your trip....It's awsome!!! :eek: I can't imagine how much it would cost...must be astronomical..:rolleyes:

If you do want some more adventures while in S. Africa and wanna try to get some Great White photos, I really would recommend you Michael who was the one featured in National Geographic a few yrs back. He is really great and has worked with all the major channels, like discovery and so on. He has some of the best shark photos in his site I have ever seen...

I am not in anyway affiliated with his company, (Shark Diving Unlimited), but I really did have a great experience with him. He is so used to work with photographers that he will take care to position the boat for the best light and so fourth

Happy (photo) Hunting!
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