Wirelessly posted (iPhone: Mozilla/5.0 (iPad; U; CPU OS 3_2 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/531.21.10 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/4.0.4 Mobile/7B367 Safari/531.21.10)
I posted here several times seeking advice on whether I could buy a data plan for my visit to London instead of paying for AT&Thief's exorbitant and paltry 200mb/$200 international data plan. Some said it *should* be no problem, but I never got a definitive answer, probably because the iPad is so new.
I even called O2 from the states and was told it should be no problem.
Well I'm in London now and have been to all 3 carriers' shops and the final answer is a resounding NO. You can not purchase even the simplest £2/day plan without signing up with a credit card and a matching UK billing address. This was confirmed by O2, Orange, Vodafone, and Apple. Carphone Warehouse isn't offering data plans for the iPad at all.
So here I sit, posting this over the abysmal hotel wifi. Without 3G, the iPad is all but useless for getting around town and finding cool places, so I leave it in the hotel safe.
Desperate for a way to use Google Maps (geez London, could you be any more spread out and confusing (and beautiful)?), I called AT&Thief, and signed up for unlimited international data for the iphone via my FAN account. It's $65/month with a 1 year commitment, or a $175 ETF. It will be prorated for this month, to the tune of about $30, as I will only use it for 11 days. With the ETF It will cost about the same as the 200mb plan, but it's unlimited, and I've already gone over 200mb In 2 days, so it's worth it, sort of..unless you compare it to the UK Carriers, who charge about $20 for 3GB/month.
I posted here several times seeking advice on whether I could buy a data plan for my visit to London instead of paying for AT&Thief's exorbitant and paltry 200mb/$200 international data plan. Some said it *should* be no problem, but I never got a definitive answer, probably because the iPad is so new.
I even called O2 from the states and was told it should be no problem.
Well I'm in London now and have been to all 3 carriers' shops and the final answer is a resounding NO. You can not purchase even the simplest £2/day plan without signing up with a credit card and a matching UK billing address. This was confirmed by O2, Orange, Vodafone, and Apple. Carphone Warehouse isn't offering data plans for the iPad at all.
So here I sit, posting this over the abysmal hotel wifi. Without 3G, the iPad is all but useless for getting around town and finding cool places, so I leave it in the hotel safe.
Desperate for a way to use Google Maps (geez London, could you be any more spread out and confusing (and beautiful)?), I called AT&Thief, and signed up for unlimited international data for the iphone via my FAN account. It's $65/month with a 1 year commitment, or a $175 ETF. It will be prorated for this month, to the tune of about $30, as I will only use it for 11 days. With the ETF It will cost about the same as the 200mb plan, but it's unlimited, and I've already gone over 200mb In 2 days, so it's worth it, sort of..unless you compare it to the UK Carriers, who charge about $20 for 3GB/month.